The 100 MPH speed angle makes sense. I am coming from a motocross racing background when I look at that stack of gadgets as forward view limiting :roost:
In a motocross race I know folks spend most of the time on the pegs but something as long as the Dakar? Iron legs must be the norm! LOL
Off-roading is a different animal, that is for sure!
I actually stand a lot for off road riding/racing...almost the entire ride =, whether it is tight single track or open roads, unless it is a super smooth section or slow transfer section. You have much more control over the bike while standing, plus it plants the weight of your body on the pegs instead of the seat. Also it saves energy, you steer more with your legs than your upper body, and since you're standing you use your legs as suspension, so your body doesn't get so beat up. Safer to absorb unexpected quick changes in the terrain at speed, such as a g-outs, square edged rocks, ruts, ditches, potholes, etc... Weight transfer is easier if you're already standing too, being able to see farther down the trail/road. There are many pluses to stand while riding...I do it so much that sitting feels weird to me.