

So I changed the oil and filter, sparkplugs and airfilter. I Lubed and checked the chain tension and now I don't know what else I should know how to do. When it is time to get a new rear tire I'm pretty sure I will know how to R&R the rear wheel to take it to the tire store.

I'm not a complete dork when it comes to maintainence but I could use a bit of guidence.

1980 Honda CM400T



Glamping Society
I'm not going to be any help here Rex, you already know how to do more stuff than me! But if there is a local motorcycle maintenance class anywhere in Arizona I'd love to go!! :victory:


Brake/clutch cables (if it has) could be lubed once in a while.

There is a nifty little "tool" that basically clamps on the end of the cable (after you disconnect it from the bike) that allows you to stick the little tube that usually comes with chain lube or WD-40 (little skinny usually red thing) into a hole and shoot lube all the way through the cable. Most bike shops should have them. Even use it on my mountain bikes.

Long time ago I bought one to use on my dirt bike. I clamped it on and sprayed...looked at the other end of the cable...nothing...spraayed...nothing...spraaayed...then all of a sudden some dirty muddy looking junk flushed out of the cable end. Sprayed a bit more until it just looked like lube was coming out. Slapped it together and my clutch never felt smoother!

A pressure guage for your tires would be a good idea too.
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Expedition Leader
The service manual for the bike should list everything you need to do. Other things include checking and setting valve clearances, checking and replacing brake pads, replacing break fluid, greasing break and clutch levers and the break pedal, tightening bolts to the right torque specs, etc. I'm not particularly savvy at this kind of thing but most of it has been pretty straightforward on my DR. Except anything to do with break fluid. That stuff is nasty!


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