My Journey


PNWY.....Wyoming's a real nice place..... went well for us other than the north side road being covered in snow & ice. I'm not real comfortable in that rig of mine in that situation....fortunately, it being so late in the season, we had the place to ourselves.....

A brief stop at Fiddlers Lake was next.....



Yet another brief stop at the Little Popo Agie River crossing.....





And then a stop at Louis Lake.....



Here.....we actually took some time to explore our surroundings.....there's a lodge here with a half dozen or so rental log cabins (everything appeared boarded up for the winter season) well as the Louis Lake Guard Station.....


As we continued along, we exited the dense pine forest and next found this area with these amazing rock we stopped the longest.....these rocks spoke to me. This was probably the most emotional moment of my inaugural trip after having survived two surgeries. More than anything I wanted to leave the rig behind.....I wanted to explore those amazing rock formations.....I wanted to crawl, walk, hike & climb.....yet I couldn't. My love for adventure is not satisfied by driving a Jeep off never has been. For me, it's always been about the boots.....the boots on the ground.....and so I can hope that this new reality is only temporary.....cause hope is all I got right now.....



Fossil Overlander
Stunning pictures - thank you very much !!

Not sure why you'd not be "an overlander".... You're traveling over land.
Enjoy and be safe.


You discovered the granites of the Louis Lake Batholith, a body of intrusive igneous rocks approximately 2.6 billion years old and related to the more widespread outcrops of the Sweetwater Mountains granite exposed in the Sweetwater Mountains at the Independence Rock and Martin Cove historic sites. Your itch to get boots on the ground is well founded--the Louis Lake exposures are a magnet for climbers.
I can still feel the apprehension we experienced between Blue Ridge and Louis Lake, where at the gate just before the lake comes into view we realized we'd made it through and would not need to drop the trailer and turn back to Lander. The two or three oncoming trucks and motorcycles we encountered had (appropriately) given us the "WTH?" look.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Wow those last pictures looked familiar then I realized you were on the Wyoming Backcountry Discovery Route that we did back in August. I stopped at that same bridge and got some good photos.

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Arjan.....I see someone that identifies as an Overlander as being someone that focuses primarily on their vehicle & their travel by vehicle. Basically their enjoyment & contentment is found through & by their vehicle. I'd say that I'm just the opposite of that as the vehicle, for me, is simply the means to get somewhere to start my adventures. I'm a truck camper guy.....for nearly 20 years now.....and that's it..... you well know, that picture does not show the scale of just how large those cliffs are. Those cliffs are massive and I'll bet one could spend days just right there exploring as there are multiple formations just like the one shown in the picture. I'd try to stick my head in every nook & cranny if given the chance one day.....

Ace.....I actually thought about you guys when I was driving that road and wondered if you'd taken that was beautiful, but honestly, Union Pass was much more so.....

We came off the mountain pass with plans to see more of the Wind River Mountain we now planned to explore the opposite side of the mountain.....I wanted to see and experience as much as might be possible while still riding in a Jeep. A quick look at the map resulted in a quick decision to visit the Big Sandy Trailhead, but there were 2 small towns on the map that also caught my we then made yet another quick decision to make a small detour to visit those towns first.....

First up was Atlantic City.....maybe only a 15 minute drive from our current location.....the Loop Road & Highway 28.....


I knew nothing about these towns prior to our Googling beforehand.....they were simply labeled dots on a map that intrigued me.....and I don't know why.....



As I pulled into town, I could only wonder what was the draw for people to live here (or to visit here for that matter). As I drove through town, I noticed a guy on a ladder working on his stone cabin.....there was a sign in the front yard that read "Cabin For Rent". The guy next door had a huge homemade sign in his front yard that read "GO AWAY". As they say in real estate....."location is everything".....



I'm fairly certain that we didn't bother to even get out of the truck while visiting Atlantic City.....I really saw no reason to.....there was nothing there. The next town to visit was South Pass City, not more than a 10 minute drive away.....we stopped along the way to admire this gold mine / processing center (or whatever it is).....closed for the season was a perfect excuse to move on.....quickly.....



We pulled into South Pass City, parked the truck along the main road, and commenced to walk through town.....


.....a dog barked, a homeowner came out and eyed us from the porch.....for way, way too long.....we moved the truck to downtown.....


Here we met one of the 3 dogs in town.....much friendlier than the guy on the porch.....we walked through town.....then we moved on.....


Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
We went thru those towns too. I ate lunch in my truck in Atlantic City and just drove on through South Pass. Not much to see for me. The big mine was even closed in August.

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PNWY.....I was actually reluctant to go with the John Deere lawn tractor because there are tons of bad reviews online. Mine has worked perfectly.....

Ace.....the door on the left was salvaged after my BigFoot truck camper caught was actually an XP member that suggested that I save the door and the windows, since I had my sticker collection on them. The door on the right came off of my current truck camper (Northern Lite). I think that Tanner busted out the window while I was having coffee with a friend. Some people here suggested that a black bear did it.....I wish that was the case.....

tgil.....I love the barn.....I've still got a bit more pine boards to install and I've got several more metal signs to hang, and add the gravel to the floor. I couldn't be happier with my hard work.....thanks.....

pkripper.....there is no physical therapy in my future unless things go south between now & September 27th (my last appointment with the surgeon). At first I was surprised when I heard that, but at the rate that I'm progressing, I can see why it's not required. I'm nearly back to normal after just 3 weeks in recovery.....and thanks.....

T & is the 22nd day that I've had these compression stockings on.....I hate them more & more as time goes by. The good news is that I'm wearing them a little less often as the days go by.....

JD.....recovery continues to go great.....2 days with a walker, 5 days with a cane, and now I barely have a limp. I'm looking forward to climbing a mountain in October.....and thank you.....

2023 has been one strange year in my neighborhood.....first my neighbor John died in March.....then my friend & neighbor Bert, the worldest greatest hoarder, died in May.....of course I've had my own challenges.....and then my friend & neighbor Sue had 4 strokes within a twenty four hour period in August which has left her unable to live alone.....

Much of the materials that I've built with came from Bert.....and now Sue has moved on and has left me many of her yard's a photo essay (?) of the property.....September 2023.....the birds that frequent the feeders have planted Sunflowers everywhere.....

And don't worry.....we will travel again.....

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Beautiful. Mountains in the background and beauty all around is its own medicine.


halseyt.....well, you never know. As Ace can attest to, often I can be a difficult guy to track down. But if our paths cross, I'd love to have coffee or share a campsite with you. This year I'm thinking of traveling more to the east than I typically do, possibly hanging out in Wyoming (Wind River Range) & Colorado (13'ers & 14'ers) for a bit, if the weather cooperates.....

ghostdancer....."idyllic" is exactly what I was striving for, so thanks for the compliment ! Just last night the first snows of the new season blanketed the Montana mountains that I see outside my east facing windows. What a beautiful sight the first snowfall is.....the nights here are cool now.....a few already have fallen into the 30's. And I dog picture is not near, more to come.....don't worry.....

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tgil.....I've spent much of 2023 wishing my life away.....and then found myself wishing that I hadn't spent so much of the year wishing my life's complicated for sure. Having knocked on Heavens' door several times over the past six months.....well, that seems to have had an effect on me. The closer I've come to the end of my journey, my senses seem to have heightened.....sometimes now I think that life is like living on majical's difficult to explain. Just a few days ago, a Hummingbird Moth visited the property.....and I found myself hanging out with him much longer than what would have been considered normal.....I even had the opportunity to touch his fluttering wings.....incredible.....

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Even something as insignificant as a bee now captures my attention.....

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Lately I've been spending time getting ready to hit the road again.....the Jeep was in the shop for a day finally getting the alternator replaced.....the alternator that died in December of 2022. And I finally replaced those aging side windows.....they lasted (31)'s amazing how long I drove with them in such poor condition. People on this site often talk about the dangers of truck campers being overweight.....heck, those side windows were much more dangerous than that.....

Out with the old.....

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And in with the new.....

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And slowly I've been working on waxing the truck & the camper.....I've done this every spring and every fall since 2005. I don't think I've missed a single season over the years.....back in the day it took me only a weekend to do both.....and now it takes me way too many days.....

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I also decided to add a set of Maxtrax to the Jeep. With decades of 4 wheeling behind me, I've never had a recovery tool like this and never thought I would need one. But things have changed this year.....I have a body with new parts that are yet to be tested. I thought it better to be safe than sorry.....all things considered.....

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I attached mine to the Jeeps' rollbar with (3) heavy duty zip ties and then ran my theft proof cable through them hoping that they're secure just like that. Mine actually will serve a second purpose as well.....they'll help to keep Trapper contained within the back.....she tends to climb upwards through that hopefully this will help with that.....

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We hope to be on the road October 2nd.....I've pushed the departure date up one month.....but we shall see.....spending the fall season in Montana isn't such a bad option either.....hmmmmm.....

And best friends.....

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Ace.....sounds like it's closed for good.....probably not a bad idea.....

ITTOG.....I thought the'd be hard to find a worse neighbor in that situation..... was.....

We reconnected with Highway 26 south of town and then headed further south. The plan now was to take the next county road that we crossed, to the base of the Wind River Mountain Range, and then continue onwards & up into the mountains.....


The highway was hypnotic.....slight turns to the left and right.....small rises and falls in the pavement.....and vistas that went on for miles & miles.....


At some point along that highway, I realized that I missed the planned turn off. We were nearly into Farson, Wyoming before we finally turned off that highway.....and headed back towards the mountains.....


Now we were into wing it mode.....I could see the mountains tens of miles away so we just followed random county roads, all dirt and gravel, that took us closer to the mountains.....


We passed a small reservoir, and chose to continue on.....maybe 5 more miles of driving.....then we stumbled onto the Big Sandy Reservoir.....




It was peaceful here.....very, very peaceful.....vistas that went on was everything that we might have hoped for in a we decided to camp here.....



The following morning.....we were ready to explore.....

DTAdventures.....welcome & thanks & it's my pleasure.....I enjoy telling the story.....


We chose a spot along the side of the mostly graveled road that ran close by the shoreline of the Big Sandy the crest of a small rise in the road.....cause the views from here were simply astonishing.....


Below the rise that was our chosen campsite, was a newly constructed, no fee BLM campground.....maybe a dozen or so campsites no more than a quarter mile was built on a small peninsula with campfire rings, picnic tables, and a newly installed privy.....we preferred the simplicity of our campsite on the side of that mostly graveled road.....


Finally.....we had found that place where we were alone.....the place that I had been searching for since we left the Montana cabin behind.....well, mostly alone anyhow. There was the occasional rancher that passed us by.....


First I'd hear the sound of the clanking goose neck trailer being pulled by the flatbed pickup truck as it approached us.....they'd pass us by with a wave, and always with a cattle dog hanging out the passanger window.....or possibly riding on the flatbed in the back.....


But those intrusions were rare here.....mostly humans didn't seem to come.....nearby was a small herd of wild horses.....we visited them often as we enjoyed getting out & walking along those deserted roadways that followed the lakes' shoreline.....




Antelope roamed here too.....I got the feeling that they were stressed this year.....moreso than I've ever seen before.....on the move much more than I'm accustomed to seeing. Maybe it was the residual effects of the harsh winter that they had just lived of the worst that they've endured for decades.....a winter that claimed thousands of lives.....maybe they fear another.....


The large body of water attracted many types of waterfowl.....often we startled the unexpected mallard feeding in the marshy areas along the banks of the lake.....and overhead the flocks of geese honked as they traveled south looking for friendlier climates.....

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The smooth surface of the lake changed faces often as it mirrored the ever changing skies.....




That smooth surface was occasionally broken when a fish would grab an insect and leave that small, circular ripple in the lakes' surface.....



Our campsite was on the eastern side of the lake so we got colorful sunsets that reflected onto the lakes' get black & white.....



I think I could have walked these roads forever.....



.....but we came here for the that's where we went next.....

We dropped the truck somewhere along the Oregon Trail.....


.....and once again took the Jeep up & into the Wind River Mountain Range.....


That road got rough as we ascended those mountain slopes.....



We made multiple beautiful stream crossings as we pursued the Big Sandy Trailhead.....



Now I had been doing a lot of thinking while on this road trip.....and most of that thinking revolved around my displeasure with bouncing around in a Jeep, seeing all of these amazing places that I would have loved to have explored, yet still a month away from full recovery.....unable to really get into the mountains.....



And the fact is that there really is not much enjoyment in this type of activity for me (driving around in a Jeep)'s like driving to the candy store yet never going inside & never making a all seemed a bit senseless to me.....


When we finally reached that trailhead.....well, honestly, it was a bittersweet moment for me.....and I thought.....maybe it's time to just go home.....I wasn't sure what to do next.....


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