New Flat bed for a camper - Aluminum?


We've made quite a bit of progress on our camper, and have found a local builder to make a bare composite box for us that we will outfit. We need a flat bed to set said camper on.

Saw this thread with a few flat bed examples

We currently have an ambulance box that is being donated in bits and pieces to a few local Moggers who need various parts of it. So we will be keeping our existing three point mounting system and cross spars, but taking the rest of the box off (I.E. we will keep the floor of the box).

Our plan was to fit a flat bed to the existing three point linkage. I am wondering if there are any concerns with doing this out of aluminum other than the dissimilar metals issue (we'd likely bolt it on). I.E. As I understand it, keeping the three point mount steel is wise because of the torsional stresses, but would that extend to the flat bed as well?

I'm really trying to do everything we can to keep weight down, so what we'd like is an aluminum flat bed with integrated storage boxes below such that we could use our mog as a hauler when we return (the box is being set up to be easy to take on and off with camper jacks).

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