I eat a low carbohydrate, high fiber diet. I don't like to eat out of a package or bag, for the most part. I also don't like to eat too salty, especially in the desert, where water retention and mild dehydration can cause discomfort.
I like to eat cucumbers, whole, sprinkling some chili/lime powder on them as I go. I also like sugar snap peas, radishes, cherry tomatoes. Fruit, like green apples, pears, citrus. The water and nutrients in fresh veg and fruit make me feel much better than my junk food splurging counterparts. They often wake up with puffy eyes, are constantly thirsty, or get afternoon slump after lunch.
String cheese, raw nuts, and hard boiled eggs, along with very small portions of cured meats can provide protein without dehydrating, sapping energy for digestion or giving a sugar rush and crash.