Side topic, how are you going to mount yours? I always thought it would be cool to have it mounted off a bed rail system on a truck. That way you still retained bed space for carrying things and you didn't have a RTT on the top giving you some MPG drops
I'm looking at bed racks like all-pro's pack rack (although something not as high) that would put the top of the RTT roughly equal with the roof of the cab.
Aside from the 20% discount, why are you interested in one? Seems you've got the tent situation covered now and would possibly get a trailer in the future. People rave over the convenience of the RTT but you'll have to take it down any time you want to move your vehicle or leave 'base camp'. In the southeast I've found the 'base camp' situation is most prevalent as we aren't blessed with the wide open lands of the western U.S., kind of making a RTT an inconvenience. Mounting it over the bed is a much better mounting option, IMO, than on the roof of the vehicle itself where it can get hung up in branches more easily.
Right now, deploying our camp is a 30 min process for the tent (tent, fly, stakes, mattresses). Its also fairly big (I think its rated as a 10-man tent). Both tend to discourage us from going anywhere but campgrounds with prepared camp pads. There are many times while driving FS roads we say, "Wow, wouldn't that be a great camping spot?" while realizing its not very feasible with our current setup. Having the truck will give us more carrying capacity, so taking the stuff we need for more primitive camping will be easier with the Taco than with the Xterra (which while very capable offroad, has limited storage even with a roof rack).
Now I'm not really sure about the pop-up. Cindy has mentioned it a few times, but there are a lot MORE logistical problems starting with we have no place to store it - so we'd have to rent or pay some storage location. So, while we do have camping capabilities now, a RTT would give us more and different options. At 20-30% off, we could use it for a year and sell it with a small loss if we decided it wasn't for us.
Besides, now that I'm trading my car payment for a truck payment, I could almost afford a new RTT every month. :wings: