The mother of all camp cups?


lost, but making time
I'd like to know how you guys got that weld way down inside the cup ! :Wow1:

(As for price, might be worth getting a really solid idea of the material costs and the amount of time involved, then taking the market feedback herewith for comparison and see if it is viable ?)

Inside of cup



Expedition Trophy Winner
I'd like to know how you guys got that weld way down inside the cup ! :Wow1:

(As for price, might be worth getting a really solid idea of the material costs and the amount of time involved, then taking the market feedback herewith for comparison and see if it is viable ?)

Ray (my brother's buddy) is an exceptional welder :) Yes, he did that by hand :)

We have an idea on the cost of materials, reaching out here and will start elsewhere to see what people think is a reasonable price point. We (me, my brother, and Ray) haven't even figured out if this is something we want to make as more than just a hobby, but if there's enough demand maybe we'll put together a group buy type of thing.


Expedition Trophy Winner
Did a formal test of the temperature retaining properties (instead of just a rough test). All this is on video, I'll put it up once I get a chance to offload it from the camera.

The cup holds exactly 24oz, just enough to hold two beers :)

From a rolling boil, once removed it will keep boiling for 1:30. After 30 minutes the water temperature is still 140+. I'd say almost too hot! But it will certainly keep your hot beverages hot!


Tail-End Charlie
"If you build it, they will come."

I think you'll sell every one you make no matter what the price is.

I want mine in the 32oz. size with the spring handle and the high temp flat black paint job so it won't show the soot on the bottom when I stick it in the fire.

As for the lip, I wouldn't want silicone. Maybe you could thin/taper it somehow to make it cool a bit faster around the edge. I use one of these (actually several) pretty much daily, and the lip is very handy:


Oh, and I want the strainer lid for mine as well:


Hahaha! I know, don't want much do I?

But really, that's an awesome project. Nice job! let's talk about the set of pots and pans you're gonna make... :D


Expedition Trophy Winner
"If you build it, they will come."

I think you'll sell every one you make no matter what the price is.

I want mine in the 32oz. size with the spring handle and the high temp flat black paint job so it won't show the soot on the bottom when I stick it in the fire.

As for the lip, I wouldn't want silicone. Maybe you could thin/taper it somehow to make it cool a bit faster around the edge. I use one of these (actually several) pretty much daily, and the lip is very handy:

Oh, and I want the strainer lid for mine as well:

Hahaha! I know, don't want much do I?

But really, that's an awesome project. Nice job! let's talk about the set of pots and pans you're gonna make... :D

hmmm, the high-temp paint might be a good idea...not sure how well it would handle burning flame...I was looking at powdercoating the outside...

Was thinking there might be a way to do a drip coffee system above it, but that got too complicated, so we gave up. I think the strain lid would be the same thing. Simple is good :)

32oz...might as well 36oz so you can pour 3 beers in it!!! :beer::beer::beer:

Not sure how we could taper the's made from a sheet of SS...that's a major issue right now we can't figure out (other than the silicone)...anyone have any ideas?


lost, but making time
That is some impressive skill getting way down in there ! :ylsmoke:

Ray (my brother's buddy) is an exceptional welder :) Yes, he did that by hand :)

This is the kind of thinking that will get someone somewhere :coffeedrink:

32oz...might as well 36oz so you can pour 3 beers in it!!! :beer::beer::beer:

dwh has a very good point. This is a limited supply, very unique item, signed by the designer - a lot of market price rules get moved aside at this point :chef:

"If you build it, they will come."

I think you'll sell every one you make no matter what the price is.

First things first ! ;) let's talk about the set of pots and pans you're gonna make... :D

. . . and, yeah, with this kind of design approach, kitchenware should be next on the list :D


Photographer in the Wild
hmmm, the high-temp paint might be a good idea...not sure how well it would handle burning flame...I was looking at powdercoating the outside...

Was thinking there might be a way to do a drip coffee system above it, but that got too complicated, so we gave up. I think the strain lid would be the same thing. Simple is good :)

32oz...might as well 36oz so you can pour 3 beers in it!!! :beer::beer::beer:

Not sure how we could taper the's made from a sheet of SS...that's a major issue right now we can't figure out (other than the silicone)...anyone have any ideas?

Simple is good, 3 beers is better :D
As for the top... something similar to the jet boils top would be ideal... but tough to make. making a template, finding the material, heating to form.
I love this cup, but for a guy like me price is always an issue. on the flip side, you cant please everyone.

I know how you feel about good cups though. I bought 2 stanley 34oz cups 6 years ago, my wife ran one throuh the dish washer and destroyed the seal, but my blue one has been near perfect for 6 years now. it can do coffee or ice cold stuff and keep the same temp for hours. love that thing. will probably cry when it finally falls a part.


Tail-End Charlie
I've been meaning to try the paint on one of my cups for decades - and I always seem to forget to do it. I noticed in one of Dave Canterbury's YouTube Pathfinder vids a couple of years back that he does use it. Can't find the vid now though. I'm guessing he had to pull a lot of vids when he got the TV contract.

I drink 1 or 2 beers usually at least once or twice a year just to say I did it. Not much of a drinker, but I do like a shot of brandy in my mug of hot chocolate on a cold night in the field. I can go through two canteen cups of hot chocolate on a really cold night, and I was thinking that if the cup would stay warm, then what the hey, might as well just make one giant mother of all camping cups. :D

Also, it would be the right size to boil a quart of water to purify it before pouring it into the canteen (another nice thing about the lip is pouring).

Not sure how to make the lip. You might be able to just chamfer the inside of the top to thin it out some so it cools quicker.


This is awesome, I have to say. Given, for me the cost is too high but don't let that detract, this is a unique special item for those that can afford it and really want the best. I'll stick with my titanium single wall snow peak mug, and envy those with this. I could definitely see the possibility of making limited cookware with this concept, for expedition and overland type use. Truly ruggedized cookware it rare if you exclude cast iron items.

Good job to both of you!

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