The Terrors of Tear Down and the Perils of Project Pause


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
So today while working with my sons on getting my 70 Suburban ready for the paint shop it struck me just how scary it is tearing down a vehicle and the worries about what you will find.
Also it seems when you ready through build threads on older rigs it is the big "project pause for paint" that is pretty much the last you hear. Or maybe a few pics after the rig is back home but that shot of the happy family driving again rarely happens.


I am a horrible procrastinator. I need a deadline to be motivated at all.
So I have set Sept 7th for a trip to Prescott for the Overland Journal Trail Run & BBQ as my "back on the road" deadline. I might not be 100% done with the interior, there might still be bits and such to bolt back on but if I don't have a reason to work hard...well I will hardly work :)

Lucky for me the tear down terrors have been pretty small....a bit of rust that has been easy to fix, some old bondo but nothing really horrible, all my glass came out in 1 piece, and I still love the old rig.

Anyone else got stories of tear down terrors or projects that paused and never restarted?

Oh and Jan/Feb I want to do axles/trans/tcase....and then maybe next fall will be the diesel conversion. This will keep the girl rolling vs driveway art.


Heck yeah, I've got the interior stripped right now - nothing but the driver's seat. I've got all the big stuff done (axles, suspension, tires, front bumper & winch) and need to get the rear bumper and roof rack installed. I'd like to be done in August, so I've got a lot of work to do. I've used a lot of the downtime updating all the little things like door strikers and weatherstripping.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
My Range Rover is pretty solidly paused at the moment. I only managed to do the coil conversion because I was sick of moving it every three days and bouncing on the bumpstops.

Next come the HVAC and the idle and the front driveshaft and the brakes and the and the and the


Expedition Leader
My sidecar, well not really its been pulled to bits since expo but that is an exceptionally long time for me to do a clutch. Ask the grand daughter "its been for ever granddad!!!!!"




2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Oh no not that cool hack all apart...get that young lady back into that moto setup soon, you are missing out on making more memories for her :)


Expedition Leader
Yeah finally got the rig back together. But you are right about the deadlines. I need it to do the run around in my Santa suit (I train for this event all year). If I didn't have that I think it would of been lower on the priority list and taken even longer.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Great tips and I think the "do something everyday" needs to me my new mantra.

I have been making sure to keep my rig driveable as much as possible even if it isn't finished. That way we can squeeze in camping trips between project phases.
There is so much small & medium stuff to do and I go to work at 10am each day that I really need to resolve to get up at 7am and try to put in 1-2 hrs before getting ready for work.
Install radio & speakers
build overhead console
build center console
test fire diesel engine
re-install aux guages
install extreme air on board air setup
run lines & controls to lockers
remove and touch up welds on roof rack
install solar panel and controler (still doing some controler research)
touch up little details on rear sleep platform
rebuild fridge mount a bit lower
and soo soo much more....but at least we are able to use the rig during all this.

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