Looking for 2 cents from the croud-I was approached by a guy on the mog list today asking me to sell my trailer. I have been thinking about this for along time. The question is do I sell my trailer, buy new tires and build a small expedition camper box? Or do I stay the wheeling route, towing to moab/rubicon and able to do the toughest trails with weekend camping included. The decision to sell the trailer has vast implications on how I use the vehicle. If I sell it I could get rid of my tow rig for something that actually gets gas milage, will I be able to afford a rig and trailer like this again?. Except for the tire wear Im half way completed with a camping trailer so I can kind of complete both goals at once. The tires are what is keeping me from driving long distance, but without the trailer sale I have no way of spending $2500 for better road tires (2 kids in private school). What say you PORTAL.