Transmission Question: Ford E4OD


The vehicle is a '95 Bronco with (I think) the E4OD auto trans- it has 116k miles on it, and it's all original as far as I know (Only owned it for 3,000 miles)

The transmission shifts smoothly, everything works well so far. The fluid is bright red and doesn't smell bad. Here's the question: What can I expect from it? Are these generally long lived? What should I do now to treat it right?

I've tried to do everything else (within reason) to ensure longevity and reliability from this truck- fluids, belts, etc. But auto trans issues are all voodoo and hocus pocus to me. I've never killed one, but I'm always afraid that I'm about to!


Heretic Car Camper
Number one killer of auto's is heat. I'd consider something (be it gauge or light) to tell you when the fluid temperature is getting critical. If the fluid sump temps won't stay reasonable, then it is time for an auxiliary cooler.


I've had a number of these trannies as I love mid 90s Fords & my better half can't drive a stick. They usually won't live a whole lot longer than what you have if you tow etc... but other than that they are pretty good. If you have it rebuilt have them upgrade it to 1 ton parts & use a billet torque converter & you'll never have to touch it again. I had my 1 ton power stroke tranny rebuilt at about 120k miles - turned out to be mostly the torque converter was headed south but this truck sees much harder use than your bronco probably - towing & hauling campers all it's life including grossing almost 20k lbs on occasion. invest in a quality gauge with the sensor in the sump - not on a pressure port & maybe a mag high tech or other deep pan & keep an eye on the temps.


We have an 94 Bronco with +230k on it and the tranny (as well as the rest)runs great (although i cant tell if it was rebuild during its life).

bye, Werner

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