Wanna see a magic trick???


Make some ABT's!

What are ABT's? Atomic Buffalo Turds!

Dozen or more (crowd size determines quantity) large fresh Jalapeno peppers
Prepackaged sliced salami
Package cream cheese
Bag pre-shredded Mexican Mix Cheese
Rubber gloves
Safety glasses.......

Wash Jalapenos

I have a Jalapeno Corer, but you can simply slice the peppers down the length on one side only with a paring knife (stop about 1/4" from the tip). Scrape out the seeds and membrane with the handle end of a fork. DON'T FORGET TO WEAR GLOVES AND GLASSES, THE PEPPERS WILL BURN YOUR EYES/SKIN!!!

Mix the cream cheese 50/50 with the Mexican Mix cheese. If you use an entire package of cream cheese, there will be enough cheese for about 3 dozen+ peppers.

With a spoon or melon baller, scoop the cheese mix onto a slice of salami and fold it in half like a taco. Not too much, this has to fit into the pepper.

Stuff the salami/cheese into a pepper.

Wrap pepper with a slice of BACON! and secure with a toothpick (if your real good you can just tuck the BACON! under itself and there's no need for toothpicks).

(If you are really bold, sprinkle a little Andy-Roo's Voodoo or some Slap-yo-Momma on top!)

Toss them all on a grill at it's lowest setting... Turn the peppers about every 10-15 minutes and cook for about an hour or until the BACON! is done.

Now watch them all disappear!!! Last weekend we made 2 dozen while camped out at Anzo Boreggo and they were all gone in less than 15 minutes. They went so quick I didn't have time to get a picture after they came off the grill!!

The prep work is a little labor intensive. Especially cleaning out the peppers. If you plan on doing this while camping, clean the peppers and mix the cheese at home before you leave....

These are GREAT for Superbowl Sunday or your next Indy 500 Party!!
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Awesome recipe! We love making poppers when we have friends over for a barbeque. I like your variation with the salami; I am going to give that a try.

I also like making a cream cheese and crab stuffed popper (probably my favorite).


One of my favorite variations is to use thin strips of meat (I usually use elk) marinated overnight in Italian salad dressing, and stuff a green chile with that, smoked mozzarella, and a basil leaf, of course, wrapped in pig.

What other popper recipes do folks like?


New member
I have quit coring the jalapeños and have been filleting them length wise for a while now with great results. I felt as if I was loosing too much cheese into the grill or if on the top deck onto my lower deck items by having the jalapeños cored. it could be that when I tried reattaching my cored jalapeño lids or wrapping them in bacon I was not making a successful seal even with the 4 toothpicks soaked in water.

Fillings have evolved to include shredded colby jack cheese mixed with diced apple and bacon bits. It also paired well with some white wine the wife had (Chardonnay perhaps can't remember) Someone suggested pear tonight while at a dinner so that may be worked into the mix next time, I am also craving coconut now so depending on the weather tomorrow...

I have also filleted the jalapeños length wise then filled them with shredded cheese and topped it with cajun turkey breast deli meat tooth picked to the top with success.


Expedition Poseur

If you don't like wearing rubber gloves around the kitchen . . . you can coat your fingers with olive oil (or other cooking oil) before handling any peppers. From there, you can peel/slice/dice/seed/what ever without getting that nice post-processing burn.

You still don't want to rub your face/eyes/etc until you wash up - but at least you won't be burning your fingertips.


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