I was sitting around this camp fire, i heard this campfire story (from a VERY knowlegeable source). It goes like this...
Bad boy trucks, were actually badboys...
When they bought their first two trucks from S&S (1 4x4, 1 6x6), they feed S&S a story about how they were going to develop the trucks for range land firefighting use. Well they did develop the 6x6 for firefighting and made the "badboy" 4x4. So, S&S get wind of the "badboy" truck and S&S's legal department goes ballistic! I seems that S&S didn't had product liabality for such an endeavor and promptly dealt with the issue by....
Ceasing ALL non-government sales!
THANKS BAD BOYS...If you lived near me, I'd dive over and sic my dogs on you!