Gotcha, I'll keep an eye on mine to avoid that expense!
I'm thinking more of an internal valve leak as well, like a leak that slowly puts pressure into the service hoses without you knowing. If that makes sense.
If the shoes are rubbing slightly I guess they'll clearance themselves eventually....
So I've been picking my very small mechanical brain.
When trying to track down the loss of speed, I was continuously feeling all my drums as had known brake problems. Both rear dreams would feel slightly warm to touch after highway drives. But nothing hot or remotely uncomfortable. Yesterday, they were very hot after driving 90 km. I did have a parking brake valve go bad (the lever on the dash) that was replaced by a DT unit which is now doing the same thing (air is discharged until enough pressure is lost and the parking brake engages. I've been looking for a Wabco unit to replace it. I got under the truck this morning after coffee. With a charged air system, I listened for an air leak and sprayed the lines/joints with soapy water but didn't find anything.
I've gleamed over the fuel lines and don't see anything wet, though that doesn't mean air isn't getting it. The truck does smoke more that it should, so maybe there is a faulty injector or air in the lines? Smoking could also be helped by the factory flame start which has never worked for me or the prior owner.
I pulled the oil filter cover off and was confused for a few seconds at what I didn't find. Stuck my finger in the oily mess and tried to pull the old filter out but there wasn't a filter in there! Hahahaha! So in a way, I'm glad there was a leak here, it pushed me to get on in there. The old o-ring was flattened out and super stiff. Makes we wonder how old it is.

I was felt foolish for not knowing about that filter but I'm actually glad there was a leak at the housing. If that didn't happen, I would have never considered this a service item. I've skimmed over the manual over a dozen times since and still don't see it listed.

This is what I've been going off of.
Anyhoo. Got the filter in and I'll score another to have on hand. I haven't driven the truck, but I let it idle up to 80C and didnt' see any oil coming out yet. I'll have find a truck wash later, hose off the engine, and keep tabs on ******** to look for additional oil leaks.
I suspect my loss of speed is multi-factorial. Perhaps a combination of dragging brakes, fueling, and air. I know Hans is a bit expensive but he is the only MB truck mechanic that has been responsive and helpful in N. America. I did reach out to traveling couple who just passed through after doing the Dempster. Han's serviced their truck and helped with a fueling issue. They had nothing but good things to say about his work. I am trying to coordinate something this year where Han's can go through the truck and sort out known problems and also find ******** that I'm not aware of. Strongly considering a modern turbo with faster spooling to help with the hills but also as preventative maintenance as this maybe the original turbo to the engine.
Yesterday we arrived in Squamish and I planned to mountain bike. But the region has become more of a tourist hotspot since I was last here and boon docking is no longer legal in/around town. So we did a 1 hour drive out of town and are posted up at a dead end of a service road with nice views. It's a bit of a drive so I'll post up here today. I'm taking the afternoon off for some adulting on my computer. I'll try to do some biking later.

Here is Tobi at Han's shop.