I've put some Lamin-X on exposed corners and the bonnet leading edge etc, and so far its good stuff. A 3M product, as originally used on heli rotor blades (although maybe different thicknesses).
In the UK you can buy a 12" x 5' piece for £35 +del from
Many others do "pre cut to fit your Porsche" sets, and I'm sure you could get someone to laser cut a set for a Mog, but you can't really see joins unless you look carefully. Compound curves are hard to fit in one piece anyway, and practice is required!!
I did ask if I could have a longer strip (the more you think the more places you can put it to stop scuffs etc, so I've maybe had 5 pieces in all), and from the USA I got 12"x15'. This was to cover the Mogs bonnet edge in one piece plus other bits, but I screwed up and had to cut it anyway! The headlight protect stuff is I think a bit thicker.
It is entirely see thru, I saw a clip I think on utube of someone firing an airgun at it and it left no mark.
I have never found it wider than 12", and I've not heard of anyone putting it on a windscreen, but I don't see why not? It may be illegal in the UK to stick anything on the screen so I hadn't thought of it till reading this
Or buy an SBU and have a nice, flat, easily replaced piece of glass!
(The pic with "protection" parts just above the bumper dzzz refers to is an aero aid to improve mpg I think?)