Yetti’s Pacific North West Exploration & Expeditions Picture heavy

Its a fun route on a moto as well. And this spring weather has been great for these trips. Still cool at night, and not super hot during the day. Were you going that route for the Expo?

No just needed to get to La Grande so i came up and hit Leslie Gulch and stayed at Succor Creek then headed to La Grande. Turned it into work trip home through Madras, Bend, Klammath Falls, Shasta City, McLoud Falls to Reno.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Last week was pretty crazy. Flew to Vegas Sunday, PSC-SEA-LAS-DEN-CMH, two days in Columbus, and then return flights on Thursday. Back in the office Friday. Some changes soon. As I will be starting a new job 2 days after I get back from Peru.

Lantern Festival, med contract on Saturday. Chem lights used to mark me on the pack when mobile.

I have worked first aid for the Water Lantern Festival for the last few years.
Its always a relaxed demographic and atmosphere. This one was also uneventful.
3 band aids, some sunscreen and hand sanitizer was it in 5 hours. And a lot of directions.

There was a pretty funny moment, when this 20 something younger gentleman ran up to me with a female close behind, and proclaimed “Medic, I have heart pains” And quickly without skipping a beat he finished with “My girlfriend is so beautiful, I can’t take it”

I laughed, pretty hard.

And some motorcycle time Sunday. Trying to get in as much seat time as I can fit in, and also get some new ridding pants worked out.


Two weeks until Peru.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Safe travels! And on a motorcycle?
The Deputy, thanks!

That is correct, we will be flying in with our gear. And renting motorcycles in country. I do like motorcycle travel; however, this particular trip is not my normal cup of tea.

As I am actually an add on, so a friend can take her dad to Macho Picchu for his bucket list trip. So this one is “guided” normally I would just rent or buy in country and go. Should still be fun though. Hope you are enjoying the thread so far, don’t be shy if you have any questions. And thanks for reading.

the deputy

Well-known member
Been enjoying your thread, was about 9 pages in...then jumped ahead just to see what you were up to recently...l'll go back and fill in the middle.

Couldn't imagine traveling by motorcycle, that's ironman type of stuff. Rain or shine, breaking down camp everyday, pretty much the same riding position for the entire day. They'd have air lift me off the bike.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Been enjoying your thread, was about 9 pages in...then jumped ahead just to see what you were up to recently...l'll go back and fill in the middle.

Couldn't imagine traveling by motorcycle, that's ironman type of stuff. Rain or shine, breaking down camp everyday, pretty much the same riding position for the entire day. They'd have air lift me off the bike.
The Deputy,

Glad you are enjoying it! It’s a bit of a wild ride. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Figure I will keep up with the moto trips as long as my body lets me. Adv Riding is not the same as cruising, its generally more active. Up and down, on the pegs and a different posture. I think this trip will be a lot, easier…relaxed? Than my last one, as I am going with a friend and her dad as his bucket list trip. And I don’t think he can do the really long riding days.

And I am not camping on this trip either, so it’s not as “adventury”. Rooms every night. The Patagonia trip though, that was a different story.


Asside from a moto trip, for the next few weeks. This is my last week at this job, so also tying up loose ends there.., here.. And will be cleaning out the office. I tend to really “move into” my offices, but I find the pictures are good for morale and sparking conversation. Not to mention the amount of time we spend at work, its nice to be reminded why I work so much.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
We are doing a big loop, and hitting all the spots you would assume.

It may be wet
Capture weather.JPG

The ride, will be something like this: Way more planned than my normal style, And with a "guide”, but I was invited and it’s a bucket list trip for my friend and her dad. It will still be a lot of fun, and I am itching to get back to SA anyway.

And we will be in country 4 days or so prior to starting the ride. To get used to the elevation and have some fun.

November 2nd. KICKSTANDS UP Pick up bikes and tour the backcountry outside of Chinchero down to Urubamba for a look around the Studio of Pablo Seminario, a world-famous potter, Then, on to Laras for a soak in the hot springs and a night's rest in mountain cabins with local residents preparing our meals.

November 3. Enjoy a full day of riding in the mountains on primitive roads, and creek crossings, interacting with curious local people and dodging the grazing Alpaca. We finish the day in Ollantaytambo where we leave our bikes and catch the train to Agua Caliente, the next morning for a tour of Machu Picchu.

November 4. Machu Picchu Tour, then back to Ollantaytambo to spend the night resting in this living Inca village.

November 5. Embark for Puno (Lake Titicaca) 7 hours of riding in the Alto Plano (high country)

November 6. Tour Lake Titicaca by boat, Uros (the floating Islands), and the large Island of Taquile We return to enjoy the local restaurants and culture.

November 7. Puno to Chivay, passing over 16,000 ft. elevation along the way. Beautiful rugged backcountry and snow-covered peaks will be the view of the day.

November 8. Chivay to the Colca Canyon "Condor observation point." Then, we spend the rest of the day riding in and around Colca Canyon which is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon.

November 9. Colca to Espinar. Primitive and paved roads wind up, down, over, and through this varied, breathtaking region.

November 10. Then from Espinar to the Hanging Inca Bridge "Q'eswachaka" is one of the most amazing and inspiring sights of the trip and some of the most beautiful roads you will ever encounter in this region. We finish the day in Cusco. Return the bikes and unwind with hot, showers, great food, and a look around this amazing city.

November 11. return to the local sights in Cusco.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Load out, all ready.

local weather dependent i may do some extra water proofing of the moto gear.

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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
A few teaser shots, i am happy to be in Cusco. Its more my speed than Lima was. A way more relaxed atmosphere.

I was only in Lima for maybe 24 hours. Got there Tuesday morning, and flew out wed morning.

The garden, is the center square/entrance to our vrbo. You just have to love how they do that, and one of 3 exterior garden or solarium areas.

Sent from my almost BlackBerry using Tapatalk

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