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  • A quick note to say hello and goodbye. I have not logged in or posted anything since your contributions were censored in early May. I feel the portal is much less relevant than 15 years ago when I logged in at Christophe Noel's urging as he wound down his site which I frequented often. Stay safe as the Pandemic wreaks havoc on us and keep doing what you do. Those that disapprove can go ******** themselves.
    Chilli, new pics in the Cadillac or Cummins thread. Started tearing into the Caddy motor last night.
    Chilli, I've put up some new pics on the Woofwagon thread. There are images of the LED lights and a shelf system I finished building today.
    Hey Chilli, thanks for the add. I have some family who live in the Chilliwak area. I should get up there when I can after I get my passport renewed. Maybe I'll bring the Woofwagon.
    Happy New year :) I hope it is a prosperous and safe one with plenty of Travel and marvelous Scenes and share the company of others with.
    God bless and Travel Safe. :)
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