Recent content by chrslefty

  1. chrslefty

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    That would be great. Good to know its capable. Obviously wouldn't be towing it with a rock crawler. I have a tundra to tow with. I'm looking into financing now. Toms camping has a sale on them tell the end of the month.
  2. chrslefty

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Thanks for the update and advice. It's just me and the wife so the this size seams to be a great fit . It will alow us to get to some more remote spots as well as being able to stay at camp ground ect. Have you taken the trailer down any roads harder than the typical graded dirt roads up on...
  3. chrslefty

    OBI Dweller Review and Discussion

    Any new updates? Hows it holding up? Were really considering purchasing one. Do you have insurance on your trailer? Any tips for a first time trailer buyer?? I love the the company is based out of mesa az.
  4. chrslefty

    FS on CL in Phx: Shell/tent combo

    Bummer . I have the same model truck as you do . Thanks for the heads up.
  5. chrslefty

    FS on CL in Phx: Shell/tent combo

    So it didn't fit your truck ? What did you mean buy tired ?
  6. chrslefty

    The scariest thing on three wheels ? Been chomping at the bit to see what you had to say about them. The Sahara has been the screen saver on my puter at work for the last couple of weeks. Which has lead to some interesting conversations at work with the other bike guys and my girl freind. So .. My lady...
  7. chrslefty

    The scariest thing on three wheels

    Sahara ? Defiatly one of there coolest looking bikes .
  8. chrslefty

    AZ- Wingshooting anyone?

    I got to go on my first quail and dove this year. Lots of fun dove was tasty and I haven’t tried the quail yet. There were a couple of big cubbies down in Florence. Fish and game says that jack corner is supposed to be the hot spot. was quit the work out for the quail and I suck at off hand...
  9. chrslefty

    July 17-23 Oregon Coast

    My mom and daughter just finished doing the drive up the coast from lower cali up to Oregon. And they had just stopped by the seal caves also. I’m wishing I could have gone with. Nice pic’s looks like you guys had a good time
  10. chrslefty

    2001 taco manual trans ?

    could someone maby direct me to a website were i might be able to find the answer ?any particular site/form that might be better than the others . thanks for your help.
  11. chrslefty

    2001 taco manual trans ?

    Hey guy I’m trying to help my mom out, she lives in another town and she’s trying to get ready for a road trip. So she's been leaking fluid from the drives side of the transmission for about a month since last oil change from local lub shop. She found the cause it was coming from a loose bolt...
  12. chrslefty

    Trying to build this...

    I would think that you could get a 2wd lift for a chevy truck of the same year .I wanna say that they make a spring ,control arm/spindel lift for them . Try ranchos site .I think if you look in the truckin mag/websight you could find some .if its a car suspension I know there macking lifts for...
  13. chrslefty

    awsome van !!

    Thanks a bunch , I mentioned it was incomplet right ? Lol . I tought it was cool and I had been kicking around the idea of swaping a solid axel and tcase. ,with a bit smaller tire .but I kike this way too . But I'm a sucker for old vans tough .
  14. chrslefty

    awsome van !!

    My bad!! It was a 69 Chevy van that was put on a blazer frame .it was incomplete but the guy had had a stroke and need the $ 4 bill or something to that extent .looked like it could have had some potential. That and I really like the older van's regardless of make damn Scooby doo ...
  15. chrslefty

    awsome van !!

    This guy is a man after my own heart. I could imagine it all done with a westy type interior .it'd be sweet!! I had never thought of putting one on a blazer frame. they came from the factory with a solid beam in the front .I had thought to change the tyranny and case and then put a 4x4 axle...