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  • Hello Chris, the chair can be found at Cabelas.
    Very comfortable indeed.

    hi cory chris here in scotland,i was just wondering on your web site pictures you have a black reclining camping chair any info on it make model and where to puchace, can find a decent chair for love not money, thanks chris in sotland:) please email me the details to thanks pal:) chris:)
    Hello John.
    My plastic is still on the mattress, but not the pillows.

    My rig has been through lots of snow and rain over the winter, have not cracked open the tent yet.
    Will be doing that sometime in March to wash the sheets and shake out the down comforter.
    I am hoping I do not find a pile of moldy stuff in there including the canvas.

    I am pretty sure with the design of this tent that all should be well.
    If not, I will be sure to post pics of what I find.
    Hopefully no spiders/bugs have been able to get through the side gaskets either as my rig has bugs and small larvae on it quite often that land on it from the old growth fir tree I park under.

    Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I havent been out ont he road yet, and would hate to post a back yard pic. As soon as I get out, I will post for sure. Thanks for the Photobucket tip.

    Also, was wondering if you took the plastic off the mattress and pillows and if so, were you able to find a mattress bag or something to protect it in case water gets in the Airland? Have you had any troubles with the mattress getting wet?

    Talk to you soon.
    Hey John, glad I could be of help.
    For a free picture hosting service try
    Once your pics are there, they even give you the code to input them here.
    Would like to see the AirLand on your rig.
    Hey Corey,

    Hope the new year is treating you well. I finally took deliver of my Airland and really like it. Thanks for the help and advice. I am still trying to figure out how to post pics, and as soon as I do I will throw some up. Talk to you soon.

    John McDaniel
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