Recent content by DirtWhiskey

  1. DirtWhiskey

    Converted fiberglass livestock trailer, Wyoming, Reduced to $13,000

    I've always thought horse trailers would be a great conversion. Well done and GLWTS!
  2. DirtWhiskey

    Hardsider camper out of Ohio.

    Seems pricey but cool I guess. Sweeping folding wall design disallows valuable overhead cabinet storage though.
  3. DirtWhiskey

    Hardsider camper out of Ohio.

    I've seen these guys ads on Craigslist a few times. No thanks
  4. DirtWhiskey

    Most reliable US spec Land Rover?

    LR4/RR 4.4 Jag engine era seems to be solid, especially 208 and 2009 before the changeover. 4.2 SC RR of the same era is regarded as a great platform but they are pretty rare. 5.0 in the LR4 and RR are great trucks, much more refined and more powerful but have a well documented timing chain...
  5. DirtWhiskey

    2003 F550 No Limit

    Hey Andy I'm thinking about going hydro assist on my 2001 F550 (2006 suspension and axle swap). I got my hydro boost ported by Vantech, have a Lee Saginaw conversion blah blah and my steering still stinks. I know I need a new Sbox but who did your hydro steer? Rebuilding my steering box, porting...
  6. DirtWhiskey

    Sold - 2023 Beach Roamer Flatbed Truck Camper + Ram Cummins Truck

    Really cool rignfor a fair price for somebody who is handy. GLWTS!
  7. DirtWhiskey

    Finally!! Direct bolt 1 piece aluminum 20x10 super singles F450/F550

    They should fit the stock axles with proper trimming/lift. Justin can get you the MPT bead profile or LT depending on your weight needs.
  8. DirtWhiskey

    The Trooper/Blazer I call Blooper.

    This is mental. And in the best possible way. Subbed.
  9. DirtWhiskey

    The Boxio camp toilet?

    Keep us posted on the Joolca. Been looking at it. One thing is the 💩 hole seems rather small. Could be alleviated by using a coffee filter per mocement which is fairly common for some of these toilets.
  10. DirtWhiskey

    How Soon Before They’ll Be Coming For You? Busting Diesel Deleters Continues…

    Supreme Court "deleting" the Chevron Deference doctorine means any regulations that aren't enumerated by congress, that affect people's lives and are anything beyond simply administrative in nature are null and void. It even calls into question the entire field of administrative law courts. The...
  11. DirtWhiskey

    Wind River Ranging

    Love this thread, thank you so much for sharing. Alas this was the first year in 17 that I wasn't able to get to the Winds. Work pfffff, so it been nice following along. Been knocking off drainages and trailheads since my first trip there when I was eleven, trusty Nancy Pallister (NOLS) beta in...
  12. DirtWhiskey

    FASS / Air Dog Fuel System with Fuel Bowl Delete - 7.3L Super Duty (1999-2003)

    I've looked at them. I've got a 2001 7.3 F450. Primary advantage is getting rid of the fuel bowl itself which has way too many bobs and bits that can leak. I'll probably do it next year. I've replaced the fuel bowls in my 7.3s a few times over the years. I carry an extra drain petcock and...
  13. DirtWhiskey

    Solid state batteries will make electric expedition vehicles practical.

    Interesting convo about nuclear, which is without question the most safe form base load electrical generation on the planet, even including Fukushima (whose release actual impact on sea life was negligible and barely above background levels) and Chernobyl, which were designs from the late 1940s...