Pacific Northwest yetti

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  • Hello PN yetti,
    I absolutely love my Northstar. I didn't get out in as much as I hoped this summer (do we ever?). If you go back and read some of my previous posts, you'll see how satisfied I've been with Northstar's customer service - unbelievable!

    The only issue I go back and forth with on my Northstar is the Xtra-Bed (XB) option. Although very handy for getting things out of the way and a place for my pup to sleep, I sometimes wish I had a window there instead. I even brought this up to Rex at Northstar. I wanted advise on installing a window into the door panel. My thought was that I could remove the "tent" portion of the XB and have my window. If I chose to use the XB, I could install the vinyl and place plywood over the window and underneath the cushion when I have the bed deployed. He sent me a mechanical drawing of the door to show where the best structural integrity to be.
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