Recent content by panema

  1. panema

    2017 FWC Grandby + 2002 Ford F350 7.3L | For Sale | Updated Images

    Attaching more photos showcasing the vehicle and the camper. More details images and description can be found at the listing:
  2. panema

    2017 FWC Grandby + 2002 Ford F350 7.3L | For Sale | Updated Images

    Hi LandCruiserPhil - I just updated the listing with a bunch more photos showing off pretty much everything so should be much more helpful now. The listing includes modifications done to the truck. Fuel capacity would be stock - I believe 38 gallons. The camper was pre owned by someone before me...
  3. panema

    2017 FWC Grandby + 2002 Ford F350 7.3L | For Sale | Updated Images

    No way! Thats forever bike! Few winter projects for that guy and looking forward to next year... ; )
  4. panema

    2017 FWC Grandby + 2002 Ford F350 7.3L | For Sale | Updated Images

    I don't think too many people in here are interested in my wedding photography... Def not clickbait. Just an easier way for me to manage the listing and update / change / post in different places as needed.
  5. panema

    2017 FWC Grandby + 2002 Ford F350 7.3L | For Sale | Updated Images

    Yes! 4x4. I updated the listing on the site to reflect this. Sorry for overlooking that (large) detail.
  6. panema

    2017 FWC Grandby + 2002 Ford F350 7.3L | For Sale | Updated Images

    Sorry, you're totally right. Had the price and all the other info on the listing. Apologies. Valuing the truck: $15,000 Valuing the camper: $26,500 Asking $41,500 for both
  7. panema

    2017 FWC Grandby + 2002 Ford F350 7.3L | For Sale | Updated Images

    Hi Folks, Just recently listed a 2017 Grandby + 2002 Ford F350 7.3L in Sacramento. Both excellent condition. I created a detailed listing on my personal website with details and contact info for anyone interested: I will attach a couple images here as well. If you or...
  8. panema

    Most capable, dependable, affordable truck camper truck?

    You bet! I've been through that list a few times and it has been super helpful. Thanks for reminding me and going to go through it again right now and interesting point to potentially start with the camper, or at least make the decision for both in tandem instead of separating them out - noted...
  9. panema

    Most capable, dependable, affordable truck camper truck?

    Love the FWC line up. I'm super torn between pop up and hard side. Strong argument for the pop up for a lot of obvious reasons. For some reason I percieve the hard side campers to be more live-able long term for some reason - but I may need to open up on this and reconsider that bias. Thanks !
  10. panema

    Most capable, dependable, affordable truck camper truck?

    When I refer to durability, I am mainly thinking of the engine. The difference btw the 250 and the 350 just for payload capacity. I'm not on this forum looking to just hear stories, but take advice, albeit from strangers, so I'm taking it all with a grain of salt but appreciate any input from...
  11. panema

    Most capable, dependable, affordable truck camper truck?

    Can't wait to meet Cletus and Harry... ; ) Thanks for the input. Your thoughts on the extended cab vs the crew cab are well received. Thank you.
  12. panema

    Most capable, dependable, affordable truck camper truck?

    Thanks so much for the input, really appreciate it and will continue to dive deeper into your recommendations. Cheers.
  13. panema

    Most capable, dependable, affordable truck camper truck?

    Thanks for your input. Not really looking for a down payment on a new truck. I prefer to own outright and not to keen on debt. Less or no monthly payments means less monthly constraints for a long term overland trip - which is why I'm trying to focus the conversation around older trucks in that...
  14. panema

    Most capable, dependable, affordable truck camper truck?

    Awesome - thanks for taking the time to write this reply and I agree with you that getting out there is more important than dilly dallying about this or that. I am totally open to learning - over time - how to fix the truck when it breaks down and agree that it will happen at some point no...
  15. panema

    Most capable, dependable, affordable truck camper truck?

    I saw that beast! I guess the flatbed would make for a nice level surface to pitch my tent until I complete the habitat 6 years from now... ; ) In all seriousness, gas mileage and parts avail would shy me away from something like that. But thanks!