Recent content by piper109

  1. P

    Cost of a D1 TDI swap?

    Well, we have that much in common. Steve
  2. P

    Cost of a D1 TDI swap?

    I live in West Jefferson NC which is a little south of you. I know Big Walker mountain tunnel, been thru on the way to Bluefield in my Railroad days. Its my understanding that the 300tdi will fit if you change the bellhousing on the R360 for a shorter version. I'm not a series enthusiast so...
  3. P

    Cost of a D1 TDI swap?

    Where in the south west Virginia mountains are you? I drive my Disco down to White Top and Damascus sometimes. Steve
  4. P

    Cost of a D1 TDI swap?

    The only parts I brought in that I ended up not needing were the transfer case (used the one off the V8), the expansion bottle and some EGR parts that I chose not to use. The problem I see in having other people choose and send you parts is that they will likely send you Britpart stuff which...
  5. P

    Cost of a D1 TDI swap?

    So what is your technique for getting a whole vehicle, running, into the USA that is less than 25 years old?
  6. P

    Cost of a D1 TDI swap?

    If you are resourceful and can do your own work you can do it for not too much money. I converted my 99SD Disco1 about 18 months ago and I use it in the NC mountains. Basically I bought the engine, R380 tranny, transfer case, rad, etc. from the same guy on Ebay UK. In corresponding with him...
  7. P

    My new-to-me 6.2L Disco

    Just for comparisons, here in SC Diesel is $3.85-$3.95 but it wont be long before its over 4. I'm getting a solid 22-23 mpg, 450 miles to a tank with my 99 SD D1 (300tdi) Steve
  8. P

    96 disco I brake pedal/cruise switch

    I could not get my switch to be snug either as one of the tabs was broken off. I tried with a tie wrap too. In the end, I used a dremel tool to cut small grooves in the sides so I could twist it into place like a bayonet fitting. It has worked for several months now though it was very...
  9. P

    96 disco I brake pedal/cruise switch

    I have had a terrible time with Disco 1 cruise control but now i is successfully fixed. I followed all the troubleshooting guides in Rave and checked and rechecked the wiring , vacuum hoses etc. That pedal switch is a pain and the tabs are really easy to break off. I did a little dremel...
  10. P

    99 D1 overheating up hill only.

    The factory procedure as outlined by Aliatel works and works well. The thermostat housing is higher than the overflow tank. Why would you mess around trying to find a "better" method?
  11. P

    Planning a trip in a D1

  12. P

    1999 (rare) Land Rover Discovery DI 5 speed with 300Tdi — Expedition White!!

    Hmmm, It looks just like mine except mine is Oxford Blue. Also a 99 SD. Mine is not for sale. Nice to see it has an interested following however. Steve
  13. P

    Disco Diesel Conversion

    Yeah, I've crossed Nebraska many times too. Ive been everywhere the Union Pacific RR goes as well as everywhere the BNSF RR goes (concrete tie gangs). I wish I had a dollar for every time I have driven from North Platte to Mullen. Yup, eaten at Ole's too. Steve
  14. P

    Disco Diesel Conversion

    We are moving to Ashe County NC, in the shadows of Mt Jefferson just south of Galax Va. "you cant get there from here" Hopefully when I switch plates to NC they wont look at my OBDII :-) Steve
  15. P

    Disco Diesel Conversion

    I'm driving a 300tdi Disco in a state where there are no inspections. I converted the truck because I wanted diesel and I wanted 5 speed. I just like to drive it that way. Its a 99 SD and it was running fine on the V8 and ZF but I had a hankering and I did it because I could. The...