We are Karin Balsley and Sunny Eaton, the Vagabroads. We sold everything to travel the world. In our former lives, Sunny was a criminal defense attorney and I am a network engineer. Our dog and travel companion, Gracie, was a world-renowned expert in the art of lounging and now serves as our chief security officer.
Are we insane? Yes!! But we are far happier being insane in this life of travel than we ever were in our day to day grinds.
What started as a never ending quest for vacations (we went to Miami 2x, Los Angeles 2x, San Francisco, San Diego 2x and Costa Rica 2x all in the last year!) has led us to sell our house, our cars, our possessions to now embarking on an overland journey down the PanAmerican through the US, Mexico, Central and South America - Tierra del Fuego here we come!
Check out our website that documents our travels at Vagabroads.com, www.facebook.com/vagabroads, @thevagabroads on instagram.
Meeting new people. seeing new things, new experiences in life.
- Website
- Location
Nashville, TN
- Occupation
Systems Engineer
- What vehicle do you drive or ride? Tell us about your dream overland vehicle! Please be specific - put BRAND and MODEL, 2 words minimum or your registration will not be approved
1997 FZJ80, Locked x's 3 and 1982 Jeep Scrambler
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