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  • My name is David. How did I forget that? The pic I have as my profile pic shows my old cargo trailer I was going to convert. After calculating and 50+ floor drawings I decoided to sell it. Im getting married at the end of the month and the fiance gaveme the green light to order a bigger one. So no build thread yet but I will be doing it with pics and video. I'll start a YouTubne channel and maybe get sponsorship, who know? I'll be camping in my tent at the Expo. I'll build a solar generator with a 100 watt panel to go with it. I reside in Chino so not far from you in Irvine. Where can I get the information of the monthly meetings. My truck is only a 2WD will I be accepted, LOL...good to talk to you I look forward to meeting you at the meeting or at the Expo...David
    Hey Dennis I came across your post of the new trailer and what an awesome rig. I am in the planning process of building a Cargo Conversion into a toy hauler/base camp/rv for me and my ficance. I went to your website and was blown away. I am too an Apple Advocate since 1992 when I was an Apple Student Rep on campus at Santa Monica College. I do everything Apple I use it in my DJ business for music, and some light photo/video editing. I enjoy camping, kayaking and a little mountain biking as well. My finace and I are moving in that direction with my cargo build.
    I just wanted to say hello, introduce myself and I will continue to follow you on Expedition Portal and iLounge. Are you heading to Overland Expo West this coming May??
    Hey there, did you ever buy one of those Muurikka griddles? If so, do you like it? They don't have the stay-cool handles like the Mojoe but I like the size (48 & 58) and look with the 3 legs.
    I'd like to offer $175 and will bring cash to Irvine this weekend.
    Sorry again. The ad said pending sale and I found a new 4 gallon for $75 shipped so I already ordered that. I could still use yours too but I can't offer you your asking price and I would want to see if they will mount where I want to put them first.
    Hi. Please contact me at about the Surefire Flashlight Promo.
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