Ace Brown
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  • Howdy, Ace! Tony Huegel here, of Heart of the West ADV Route. Thank you for the effort last summer. I hope '21 goes better. I have a SmugMug photo gallery depicting the route, which I provide so travelers can evaluate it. I would be happy to share it. To do so requires email addresses for the access list. Just let me know ( if there is interest. Happy Holidays --- Tony
    Hey Ace, I just finished up a trip to the Rubicon Trail - I'm posting it up under "Rookies on the Rubicon". Hope all is well with you, I'm hoping that we can get an adventure together in '14
    I appreciate your advice Ace, I have been out of circulation for years in my off-road adventures, then local clubs are mostly young folks trying to out-do one another who can climb the biggest/baddest etc etc. I have no interest in such activity. Do you think 10 gal of gas is good enough? Or more? How about water? I have no means for water as of yet. I am looking closely at Expedition gear and realizing some very excellent camp tents, water containers etc. From the sound of things, we may find ourselves in pretty cool climate conditions at night.

    By the way, I am so Jazzed about doing this, I have started walking every day, I may even start light weight dumbbells soon. Now I have a reason to get off my lazy ***. Ha! Thanks,

    Gary Bowen
    Bakersfield, Ca.
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