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  • Also: (sorry they make me break it up)
    • I'm deciding right now between a setup like yours (truck+camper) and an upfitted Transit AWD. If I go the truck route, yours is pretty much exactly what I want- Im just wary of the winter situation and also not feeling like there's 'inhabitable space' when not sleeping. Any thoughts of yours would help me decide
    • I can't remember if it was your post or another members, but I recall mention of replacing this with a camper van setup. I really like the setup you have in the back- the minimal, functional approach, and you did a great job with aesthetics too. So if you ARE getting into a van, I'd love to know what your plans are in terms of outfitting.
    Hey, I saw your ad here for the truck/camper. I have a few questions. If you don't mind taking the time to answer, I'd really appreciate it.
    • Like you, I'm a skier. This winter will be a good time to have a winter camping setup. Have you done that in this setup?
    Thanks in advance.

    As for the van, it’s all about our bikes. There isn’t a bike lock on the market that can guarantee the bikes won’t be stolen while I’m surfing or just not around. I can throw the bikes in a van. I use a Yakima Hangover with a cable and haven’t had issues yet. Otherwise, super fun and everything is accessible. We’ve been camping is some great remote places all summer. Happy to help!
    Thanks Sean.

    Im also an avid cyclist, and wonder about bikes in a pickup solution. The pullout bike garage like Farout ride folks have done is a nice solution. Otherwise, with a pickup I was thinking the bikes could maybe fit inside the crew cab with a seat delete and a wide throw hinge.

    Any ideas on what your plan is for a van buildout? Would you use Goose Gear again?

    I like the rear seat bike solution, but my sidekick is a 6year old. She’d take offense to getting kicked out. As for GG, I have some products I really like that compare. Depends on the use and abuse factor
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