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  1. T

    G'day All! Now, a heads up for the Vic High Country please............

    Yeah sorry, everywhere! Tom Groggin or Corryong thru to Omeo/Wonnangatta, Mansfield to Harrietville, etc. Pretty much everywhere, was more curious to see if there are places I can't go in the truck vs the old Defender. Really want to hear someone say 'Yep, done it all no worries..."! Maybe...
  2. T

    G'day All! Now, a heads up for the Vic High Country please............

    G'day there to everyone! Thought I'd better finally sign up. Long time lurker, etc etc. Just wondering if anyone could give me any info on taking my NPS 300 and a camper though the Vic high country? Anyone done it? Places to avoid? I'm fine going anywhere the vehicle is capable of going...