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  1. C

    Ex army trucks - Are they worth it?

    I doubt MAN is the most common truck, but that doesn't matter, the KAT1 is no ordinary MAN! And less than 10.000 units have been built from 1975 up until early 2019. No ordinary MAN supplier will have parts for these. Just look at those axles... Although questionable, the one your are looking...
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    Ex army trucks - Are they worth it?

    And you are in Norway? I'm from Denmark. First of all spend a lot of time gathering information and draw on the experience of others, not necessarily asking directly, but just looking at blogs, in forums, youtube etc. Find out what your actual needs are, and be prepared to revise them again and...
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    Ex army trucks - Are they worth it?

    It would be much easier to help you, if you gave a bit more information such as: What is your experience with 4x4's, trucks, overlanding, expedition vehicles? What is your level of competence mechanically? can/have you built/worked on trucks etc. before? What are your plans, both travel-wise...
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    Running truck idle all night....

    Regarding CO posioning, gas engines produce more CO than diesel, because CO is a byproduct of incomplete combustion. Since diesels get all the air they need, they don't produce as much CO. But truckers have died from CO poisioning in rigs too, look it up. And I suspect a number of deaths in...
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    Cabover HMMWV Expedition Truck Project

    It's so sad to see a project like this probably standed on the beaches of Oblivion. The potential, workmanship and ingenuity are all A+, and something that I really miss following here...
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    Mercedes LAF 1113 B family truck

    Right now I'm working on some rust in the cab. The signal orange paint is extremely thick, and I've found that it has some accident damage. The right wing has been changed, and it must be after 1990, since the spare parts sticker says "Made in Germany", which must be after East and West Germany...
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    Mercedes LAF 1113 B family truck

    Well… where to begin… Long story short on the hibernation part of the project is, that we found our dream place! I won’t say house, because we already built our dream house, but the location was not the dream site. So we moved from that, to an old runddown house, no barn, no shop, but 7.5ac of...
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    Mercedes LAF 1113 B family truck

    Sorry for the very late reply! The superstructure i.e. cab and living quarters are mounted on the original position up front. This is almost inline with the pedals and steering shaft transversely, so I don't expect any additional movement there.
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    Unicorn on the Ocean - 1120AF Coming to Canada

    I just remembered I have a thread on it here! It just haven´t been updated in 4 years... D**n, has it really been that long?!? A lot have happened since then, which took me away from the project for quite some time, new house, building a new shop etc., but I'm back on it now, and will update the...
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    Unicorn on the Ocean - 1120AF Coming to Canada

    They do twist like a uncooked bratwurst! There's someting in the design, that seem sort of counterproductive, hear me out: There is a absolutely massive rear sway bar, and from your pictures it's obvious that it's really effective, the rear axle is all but perfectly parallel to the frame. So...
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    where_the_heffalump_roams 917 AF

    Cool pics! And surprisingly many Volvos!?
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    where_the_heffalump_roams 917 AF

    I just read through your entire thread in one go, instead of tidbits over the years. One thing stands out: You and your ability to not get fazed by problems, difficulties, shops with less than stellar service, and even problems that are outside your current knowledge. You seem to tackle every...
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    where_the_heffalump_roams 917 AF

    Heffalump, did you even look at the link I sent? It explains exactly what it is, and even has all the parts numbers including the O-ring?
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    where_the_heffalump_roams 917 AF

    I It seems to be an oil filter?
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    OM 366LA Starting current peak/sustained

    According to this site: The (24V) starter is rated at 5.4kW. That's 225A, (U=R*I), BUT if the voltage drops, the amperage goes...
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    2022 Ford F550 - DIY - Adventure Expedition Vehicle Build Thread

    Reg. Humanness check-in, I hear you and what you are going through. Thank you for sharing. I hope the clouds will let some ray of light let you see the path ahead does have an end, and you are closer than ever!
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    Possible driveline update OM352A to OM906LA

    I hoped you'd reply, I know you have one. The 100km/h is illegal anyways here, I can go around 90km/h without getting pulled over instantly. The big rigs go down the freeway at around 86-88km/h. That'll put it at around 1,900, so that sounds perfect. The OM352A will go at 2,900 all day, but...
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    Possible driveline update OM352A to OM906LA

    Thanks for the detailed reply Iain. And you are right, there will always turn things up, you haven't taken in to consideration. And - as you wrote - bring it back to life. And when I'm done soundproofing the cab and bringing the comfort parts up to date, the engine/gearbox is what dates it the...
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    Possible driveline update OM352A to OM906LA

    Hi all, As some know, I have a LAF1113B from 1978. It has the top-of-the-line OM352A with 168hp and 461nm/340lb/ft. While it actually drives ok, there's a few things that bothers me. For one, I'd like to update the turbo, there's considerable turbo lag, there seems to have been made some...
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    pivoting frames and mounting campers

    Hi Johan, thanks, now I get your point, and you are right, and I do plan on spreading the load a bit more in the back. But my truck has a load capacity of 6,5T, and I plan on a mx. of 2T, so it will be under a lot less stress than intended. The frame on these are MUCH stronger than a Fuso...