Search results

  1. C

    2022 Ram 6.7L 2500 - Expedition Vehicle 25000 Miles ($170K OBO)

    Where is this located? If the US, would you let me know where you sourced a GCI bed and canopy? Great looking truck.
  2. C

    Lets see some full size pictures...

    I'm glad you're leaving the driving to the professional.
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    Ram 3500 - Spare tire options for 37s.

    Due to the fact that there aren't many tire carriers out there for these RAMs, I'm planning a custom carrier that's based on a design for an H1: I also don't want to have to hoof it chest high to get the tire on to the carrier either.
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    2018 Ram 3500 Expedition Family Adventure Vehicle

    I also have a white 2018 3500 SRW G56 truck so the anticipation here is killing me.
  5. C


    What are your bags set at (psi)? How do you have them plumbed? Separate lines or are they connected?
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    Fully Customized 2019 Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Series. (SOLD)

    When used in this context what is the definition of "stealth"? I know lots of words are changing their meanings recently.
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    Tex's 200 Series

    What's next on the mods list? This is one of the few vehicles that makes me question my vehicle choice. I'm surprised the windows aren't darker, doesn't Texas let you tint them deep?
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    Custom Cabin Filter

    If you have RAM truck from 2010-2018, I'd recommend this: This simple item removed all of the diesel and other smells from the air in my truck. The fan does work a little harder, but the truck stays pretty dust free. I...
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    Can someone smarter than me please explain…

    Would you break this one down for me? I think this is a fallacy with no actual proof.
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    Lets see some full size pictures...

    Happen to have any pictures or video of the RAM HD frame compressor mount? I've been eyeing this for my extreme air magnum.
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    2020 Ram 2500 Powerwagon + PCOR Tray & Canopy Ultimate Overloading Build - $106,000

    In your pictures what was the PSI in your airbags? Any sagging without them?
  12. C

    Can someone smarter than me please explain…

    Who's fossils are they? An energy source is an energy source. Why should nothing use "fossil fuels"? That's like saying "eventually nothing will use wood fuels". Almost half the people of the earth still uses wood to heat and cook.
  13. C

    Want to buy or build a truck for off-roading/exploring

    What made you pick the GMC diesel as the best? I have a 1 ton RAM diesel and it's the complete opposite of a daily driver, but if I was in the new truck market again I would be looking hard at the Ferd F250/350 with the Gas 6.8L/7.3L and 10-speed. Pick your trim level based on your budget. If...
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    Take it all with you.

    This is such a cool vehicle and trailer combo I had to do a quick search for a modern equivalent. Found this: Some of these are wild.
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    Frame Strength, Who to Believe! The RV Sales Guy or the New Truck Dealer? Maybe Neither?

    This really just seems like costly ignorance. He also has a front bull bar subtracting from his payload. If you look up some pictures, this is the same way that these RAM frames buckle when in a collision from the rear while towing. This truck is crazy overloaded. Looks like an older guy too...
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    Is that bumper all plastic? Any way to fab some brackets to a piece of structure underneath and then just pop them up through the plastic? The recover point bolting location may be a good start and go straight up? I have a RAM and behind the bumper is basically empty space, but I've never seen...
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    Prices on EP Classified seem to be HIGH!

    "I know what I got"
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    Ram Roof Racks

    While I have a newer RAM, I have to agree with @Cummins_Powered. I've spoken to the RAM bodybuilder group and they also say that the roof is not designed to support those types of loads. There are people that put lots of weight on a roof rack over the cab on these RAMs, including huge spare...
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    One possible fix to the low range problem with EV’s

    "This is the future...", So internal combustion engines are still the future? I agree.
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    The bigger the truck, the greater the (misplaced?) concern about payload?

    I'm pretty sure my RAM 3500 Cummins has twice the payload of a equally equipped RAM 2500 Cummins. If you took a 2500 and loaded it to my 11,700 gvw I doubt the two trucks would drive the same. You'd be on the bump stops in the 2500, so it's more than just tire pressure. I've always wondered, in...