Search results

  1. T

    Engine recommendations for cold climate

    And one more thing: anyone here had to deal with summer (or just bad) diesel in winter: blocked filters, heating fuel lines, adding kero and/or gas to diesel (about 10% is the norm, but with kero you can go up to 50% in old truck engines, apparently), idling for an hour because you can't get...
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    Engine recommendations for cold climate

    Sounds like a gas engine and an auto transmission to me :)
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    Engine recommendations for cold climate

    I always admired the Swiss for practicality: with their snowy and mountainous country their army seemed to favour gas engines and auto transmissions.
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    Ex army trucks - Are they worth it?

    First five kms driving it would be fun... not so sure after that!
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    Ex army trucks - Are they worth it?

    They USED TO BE cheap as chips, because there was very little demand in Western Europe for something like an old, high fuel usage, slow, uncomfortable, heavy, limited payload vehicle for most commercial uses one can think of. Demand then increased markedly (East Europe e.g. for logging, energy...
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    Sticky dash / plastic interior trim

    Sorry can't help with fixing this problem; as for prevention - moulded dash mats are THE must have, standard, fist purchase accessory in Australia. With our UV's here it's a must. Temporary, cheap soluton is a bath towel... Not that moulded mats are that expensive (under $100)
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    Carpet or No Carpet in Truck?

    Definitely NO carpet. I can open all doors and blow my cab clean with a battery powered blower in 30 seconds, or use a small broom and maybe a wet rag, vs hand picking grass and other seeds, dog hair etc out of the carpet, as the vacuum cleaner is hopeless getting those out. Never mind stains...
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    Running truck idle all night....

    CO is dangerous, we had people die here using a small genset in a garage after a cyclone. This being said, you'd think that if you have the air on "fresh" and NOT recirculate, and the air intake a looong way away from the exhaust and drawing directly from outside (as it usually is), you'd have...
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    Alaska, finally.

    Settings>Camera>Formats>ensure "most compatible" is ticked, NOT "high efficiency"
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    Alaska, finally.

    you can change the phone camera settings to take photos as .jpg rather than heic. Heic is the phone's default and yes it's a pain... Keep up the good work, your photos look amazing and I'm sure a lot of people enjoy doing this trip "by proxy"
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    Favorite Budget Tires?

    I'm on the second set of Westlake SL369 (aka Goodride) on my 105 Landcruiser. Great performance and good/even wear. Good price but has increased considerably since more Australians discovered them. Re. "don't skimp on tyres" I had real bad experiences with a "reputable brand" recently - big...
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    Comfortable 2 Person sleeping bag recommendations for camper van

    Just back from ten days using one of these in our van: True enough it's in Queensland...
  13. T

    Better Bivvy sacks/tents?

    Australians swear by swags. There has been a proliferation of dome swags for the last decade or so but you can still find the traditional flat swags. Not something to carry on your back but perfect to go in the back of the ute or the roof rack. The canvas protects the mattress, pillow...
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    Dually Inflation

    There is a variety of rigid and flexible extenders on the market. As mentioned above, you add a possible fail point, but then again you can easily check pressures.
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    Isuzu N-Series front recovery points

    Ok this may sound a bit wild but if the frame is the same width front to end then you may want to consider a (rear) towbar mounted to the front? No idea if it would work, how much modification it would need, so please measure carefully.
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    An incident worth talking about. Kinetic Recovery Accident.

    What I find hard to understand (leaving aside our desire to own and play with more things and the retailer's desire to sell us more gimmicks) is why we have gotten rid of tow hooks? A tow hook means NO shackles at all, which is less to fail or fly around. And less to fiddle with.
  17. T

    Recovery Rope or Recovery Strap?

    Might be a bit off topic, but considering all the posts I'm not the only one. Here goes: Apart from the good gear I have carried for years a 5 metres or so piece of strap (aircraft cargo latch down strap, one can still faintly decipher on it "property of US Government" lol). Found it decades...
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    Don’t be this guy

    They still do - here's a T80
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    Ram 1500 build ... should I even bother?

    In a nutshell, crocodiles, snakes, jumping ants, caterpillars and such. At least where I live. Still, these days I prefer to sleep in the vehicle than on the vehicle. If your local fauna is less keen then IMHO a RTT loses much of its appeal.
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    Folding saw

    A few ideas here. No.3 is easy enough to make from scratch if desired, I remember seeing a metal one made exactly the same design, which has a lot of advantages, is simple, field fixable and can de disassembled in a few seconds (just release the tension and you're left with a handful of sticks...