With such square design and 4x4 Id bet mileage will be under 10 mpg when,going downhil..something the buyer should consider and inquire from the owner
Wonder if that lexan sheet was larger and overlaped the panel bit more on all sides,,would the voltage still drop?
the way it creates shade is only from the edge of it,,not very acurate test imho..
Youre either Trolling or very misinformed..
Did you know that in Alberta alone there are about 4 thousand wells poluting the enviroment by burning off the sour gas the by product of oil extraction,,making people and animals nearby and downwind sick and dying...
Im not surprised,,those horizontal axis machines are very inefficient,they shoulve used these
Nice design and build,,however was wondering why not make the roof with bit of a sloping crown to make the rain water run off easier..?
Also making the sides extending lower in front of wheels would give more storage space and lower center of gravity..if you place heavy stuff like batteries...
Ive seen water containers about the same size,made of similar white plastic,Id imagine those would have to be uv resistant since being used outside all the time...this was on farm and for water delivery..
Maybe there isnt one for your particular purpose yet,,however wherever theres a need some enterprising individual will fill it eventualy..
Tesla has 400.000 orders for their latest car which isnt even in production yet and wont be for at least a year..big 3 auto makers better get on the ball if they want to survive this electric revolution!
The OP post numbers are way off,,with a bit of Googling it tells me EV beats stinky fuel hands down,all things considered,only people against evs are folk who make money from oil industry imho.
Not to worry,Im sure diesel will be with us long time yet..although EVs will become majority eventualy,imho..
Fetish for things mechanical huh.,heres a beaut
Or how about an engine that improves thermodynamic efficiency by preheating incoming air fuel mixture using usualy...
Best roof coating
Ive coated my plywood truck camper with couple coats of Cold cure epoxy then white high gloss marine enamel,
Its still waterproof after 5 years of traveling,however developed few cracks in many places as the plywood is only quarter inch thick and not a very good quality and...
I have an easy solution for stoping the urine smell,,pour few drops of javex bleach in the jug,,I did that with my porta potty and it killed everything..
What kind of shelter was it?
Hiding in tent,in cave or under a tree is the worst most dangerous and stupid thing to do..
Most campers are metal,so are cars trucks and buses..Ive never heard of anyone dying from litghning in those yet
Bc during lightning strike electric current would slide...
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