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  1. B

    Ozark Trail "High Performance" cooler - any good?

    I didn't get a chance to do a controlled test, but I did take the backpack cooler on a camping trip last weekend. I wouldn't use it again for camping. It just doesn't hold enough. I had 1/2 gallon of milk, ~6 cans of soda, a liter container with some vodka, a small pack of potato salad, and a...
  2. B

    Ozark Trail "High Performance" cooler - any good?

    The zipper looked different in photos. I'm wondering if it might be more watertight. Mine is supposed to arrive for pickup by Monday.
  3. B

    Ozark Trail "High Performance" cooler - any good?

    So, I've seen quite a few reviews of the larger Premium Jumbo Tote, but nobody seems to have used/reviewed the backpack version (the 20-can Ozark Trail Premium Backpack Cooler). I went ahead and ordered one to try. I'll do a quick review when I get it and have a chance to use it.