This is outstanding! I recently bought a '95 as a project that was in relatively rough shape, but cheap. The wiring, while not horrible, was the worst part as the guy I bought it from was hacking away at it while trying to make some sort of sensor array and this was going to be his prototype...
I am having that problem with mine. I need to get a hack saw in there and start cutting I guess. I am a bit limited on budget and tools and was wondering if I was missing something when trying to pull it out.
I am starting to run into this issue with my "project". My current provider State Farm won't cover it. Going to try and find my DD214 (I need to get to VA to get my disability rating anyway) and see if USAA will cover it (I had negative experiences with them when active duty, so not looking...
Unlike some of you more talented folks, I'm going pretty simple.
Just picked up a 1995, 7.3 PSD, Type 3 Horton. Seems to be pretty sound mechanically, being a California rig helps. The insides aren't pretty, particularly the cab. I don't have any photos yet (except the one). Going to start...
New follower, even new owner.
Just picked this 1995 Horton, 7.3 PSD up Friday as a project. Runs fine, as the seller did 300 miles the day I bought it meeting with someone who wanted something nicer for $3000 :rolleyes:
I need to start reading this whole thread (currently on page 7 of 68) and...
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