Is the rope sleeved for heat / abrasion protection? Is that the red part in the original photo? Include remote? And can that control box be relocated? Thanks - new to this so sorry for the questions.
Which model of the tent is it? Medium or large? Is this essentially the Icon Stage 1 as seen here? Who made the uniball UCA?
What's a decent 2-4" lift for these? Or should I just go big tires? I wouldn't rock crawl. All I see are what I perceive to be bro-dozer type lifts using cheapo components. Are there solid Fox, King, Icon etc setups?
Thoughts on 1500 vs 2500? I guess I'm torn on what I want. As a homeowner, having a pickup truck is useful for many reasons. But for mild 4x4 adventures, an older Toyota seems better. I could have both but don't have room or time right now. I guess I'm leaning toward the truck utility.
New to overlanding and pickups in general. I was probably leaning toward Toyota but due to price and some other considerations I’m looking at full size domestics. Found a place in town that sells former fleet vehicles. Something like this seems perfect. Thoughts? Only picking Chevy because...
Shopping for SUV's / trucks in the up to $7500 range. This popped up. I know aftermarket options are a lot more limited than say LC's, Tacomas, or even Fords/Chevy's but I like how these look. And the limitations may be good in the sense in I won't overanalyze it and just get decent lift and...
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