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  1. Allof75

    New 2014 Xterra Owner- Icedragonmx's trip reports

    Really really nice pics :) Glad to see the X getting used.
  2. Allof75

    Josh's 2014 Xterra Pro 4x - guided by necessity

    That X is somehow so perfect. Nice work, good to see it used!
  3. Allof75

    R50 Pathfinder - mild build

    Looks good, I like the mods you've done- very functional.
  4. Allof75

    2001 R50 Pathfinder Build-up.

    How'd the new tires do on that rock?
  5. Allof75

    richard310's 04 Xterra

    Still don't know how I manage to miss it every year, but looks like you had a great time! Nice pics.
  6. Allof75

    Polar Bear's Xterra Thread

    I see why you call it the love machine! ;) Looks great.
  7. Allof75

    Kwuneko's 02 Pathfinder SE build

    Twins! :elkgrin: Anyway, welcome to the Nissan and R50 family. Those are some nice upgrades you've made, and between here and NPORA you've got a great community of people to help you with your future upgrades. Cheers!
  8. Allof75

    DMSKI's 2006 Xterra

    Good base, is it a dark blue?
  9. Allof75

    Post your Nissan Camping Pictures!

    Camping just outside the Grand Canyon.
  10. Allof75

    "Lola" - WreckDiver1321's 2005 Frontier CC/SB Nismo Build and Adventure Thread

    R50s rears are really flexy, bet you a stocker would out-flex a stock 1st gen Xterra... But if you mean the R51 then I concur with your feelings.
  11. Allof75

    richard310's 04 Xterra

    Looking good, looks like an excellent trip!
  12. Allof75

    Home is where the camp is BUILD THREAD

    What a clean truck! Looks great, well done.
  13. Allof75

    My 2001 Pathfinder (R50 ) mild/budget build

    Ah maintenance, everyone's best friend. Curious to see how the tie rod job goes.
  14. Allof75

    richard310's 04 Xterra

    What a neat trip, and yes my friend just had a broken arm etc haha. Capitol reef is now on my list of places to go, and seeing the virgin river in it's more natural state makes you kinda lucky :) That's what carved Zion.
  15. Allof75

    richard310's 04 Xterra

    Been hearing about those storms out there, stay safe. By contrast my friend rolled her car twice in that storm, consider yourself lucky haha.
  16. Allof75

    Three Guys, 6000 Miles, and Southern Heat. "Graceland"

    Do it and you'll never regret it. :)
  17. Allof75

    A Week in the Heart of the Appalachian Mountains: West Virginia & Pennsylvania

    Same here dude :sombrero: Great trip, I'd love to do the same with my little bro at some point.
  18. Allof75

    Three Guys, 6000 Miles, and Southern Heat. "Graceland"

    Thank you! It was definitely a quick run through the southern US. We all got a taste of how pretty much any rockstar, in this case The King, felt on tour. :coffeedrink:
  19. Allof75

    Three Guys, 6000 Miles, and Southern Heat. "Graceland"

    It sure was, one heck of an adventure. :)