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  1. C

    4d55 harmonic balancer variations? are there any? ford vs mitsu vs 4d56??

    I've got a Mitsu 4d55 that is in need of a new harmonic balancer, would a harmonic balancer off of a 4d55 that was in a ford with the serpentine belt be any different than the v-belt harmonic balancer off of a mitsu 4d55? does anyone know if the 4d56 balancer would be the same as a 4d55's? and...
  2. C

    WTB: Mitsu Vanwagon or 1st gen 4 door Montero near east coast in any shape

    I'm looking for a Mitsu vanwagon, passenger or cargo, or a 1st generation 4 door montero. I've got a 4d55 diesel I'll be putting in it, so I don't mind if the motor is shot. I actually don't care what kind of condition the rest of it's in either, just let me know what you have. I'm in NJ, but i...
  3. C

    L300 4x4 conversion? is it possible?

    Hello all! I drive an 88 2 door montero that I dropped a 4d55 into. I just drove it on a several thousand mile month long road trip with my girlfriend, and I've come to realize that it is lacking the proper space for a good night's sleep. I'm a diesel nut, I refuse to get an RV, and VW diesel...