SO I've found an 81 SFA from a pickup, stock, not modded etc, BUT I'm getting some mixed feedback in my research as to whether or not I can swap all the 95 IFS brakes/stuff over to the 81 or if I truly do need to find an 84 or 85 axle (maybe an 83???) for this thing. I could care less about the...
Hey, posted this over on the NW regional section but I thought I'd give it the old shotgun approach...
What I'm looking for:
- As STOCK as possible an 8" Toyota Solid Front Axle (prefer an 84/5) with a standard Low-pinion 3rd /4:10 gears (gears are not a big concern)
- Stock steering would be...
Well lookey what I stumbled across: A Genuine Expo Portal "celebrity" of sorts.
So hanging around a Toyota 4wd shop has SO many pleasant benefits, especially if you like to look over cool trucks, but I was kinda shocked to pull up the other day and low and behold I thought "Hey, I...
Thought the 40-series Lovers among us would like to see this beauty. Only wish I had better pictures.
My friends shop where I'm working on a build had what I can only describe as the CLEANEST, most sano restoration FJ40 I've ever had the pleasure of seeing up close The smell of the canvas top...
Ok so MANY moons ago (back when I was graduating High-school around 1997), there used to be a dark green, maybe black (???) 70-series PU/Ute parked down by Barbur Blvd. And in the years since (like the late 90's) I've not seen it around... well today I saw not only that sae truck after all this...
So, I pulled the trigger and today I spent the day going up to Kent WA to get my 1994 2nd Gen SR5 Ltd. 4Runner (soon to be a "Hilux Surf" :sombrero: ) and a 60K mile 1KZ-TE engine/Trans/Wiring harness/gauge cluster and all kinds of other parts. At 231k the 4Runner's a little tired, BUT, she's...
SO, first off, sorry for all the new threads with no build thread but well, I'm going up to Seattle and going to be bringing back my 2nd Gen 1KZ-Te "project" here end of next week...
BUT, I have some questions for yall about the rear suspension of the 2nd gen and what I should do with it...
SO I posted another thread as I'm on the hunt for a diesel swap into my 1st Gen 4Runner... Brick wall after brick wall have led us to change up our approach (I'm still looking for a way to get an oil burner in my 4Runner but that may be farther down the road) and we're exploring the possibility...
EDIT: Title should rear "... in Portland/The NW or withing reasonable distance. (just not looking to drive to Ohio or something to do this...
Hello... Long time no Expo-Portal for me. As often happens, "life" seldom allows you the time you need/want to do the things you enjoy SO I haven't...
SO my dad and I were talkign the other day as we were driving around one weekend. We had just nearly been squashed by some Jack-A** in a giant Ford F350 who's wallet and credit card limit FAR exceeded both is intelect and taste... Of course he was a "contractor" who was undoutably writing off...
SO, odlly enough, in the last few nights I've been noticing that as I pull in to park my truck, I've got my foot on the brakes, and I tun my lights completely OFF but my interior dash lights and my "running lights stay ON... Now I've also replaced my brake light-bulbs more then twice lately...
SO... This truck has been ROCK solid, BUT I seem to "loose" the special locking bolt or stud on the exhaust manifold RIGHT near the fire-wall. This doesn't really effect the truck so much as it makes it sound like an old clapped out Chevy. Exhaust leaks drive me nuts althgough it IS sounding...
I know it's a bit over the top... But this would IMO, be a sweet platform/conversion to make an Expo rig out of. Put an FWC or Flip-pac shell on it, make a passthrough and I could see this beaing AWESOME for the snowy areas and the desert. With a Cummins Diesel in it I could see getting decent...
SO I was perusing CalMini's site (or more specificaly their Nissan and Suzuki sites as they're now organized: ) and stumbled on this sweet SAS'd Hard-Body. This is one GREAT looking old truck. I was bummed that they don't seem to do anything for us Toyota guy's but then I...
So a mate of mine and his lady are traveling on up to AK (she's a nurse and he's heading to Nursing school in Anchorage)
SO... THey're driving a 73 Eco-200 Camper Van with the 302. He's having a hell of a time finding a simple overload spring set for the rear to help with the added load.
SO as usual I spoted yet another beuty of a rig and I'm wondering if it was anyone here on our lovely board who was piloting the beauty. FJ45 (Wagon, not P/U), LHD, Full lenght Rack W/RTT Younger guy driving Solo, Colorado PLates??? Rolling down HWY 99W @ apx 1530 (3:30 Pm for you non Mil-time...
So I know that Scott got to put a first-run Patriot through it's paces and was suprised to hear how well it did even lacking a low-range box. However I was just perusing through one of the millions of truck mags we have in my *ahem* reading room, and I came across...
I know this has already been discussed, and reported by our own venerable follower of all things automotive HAVEN, but I was just reading a Car and Driver article on the up-coming Infiniti QX56 4WD... As they mention this is the platform that will replace the Patrol world wide and frankly...
So as the title suggests, I saw an AMAZING 300GD this morning out in Beverton just off 217... Wondering if it was anyone here or if anyone knows the rig I'm tyalking about. It is white with a mis-matched hood I belive, and some semi-tall, almost NDT looking tires on it. If the owner is here...
So, as the title suggestys, I'm looking for info on this AWESOME looking 73 Rover I saw a brief shot of in a Petersens 4wd a few years ago (aug 08 "April Fools DayToyota Crawl" )
All I can say about it as of right now is ME LIKEY!!!!!!!! :wings: :wings: :wings: :wings: :wings: :wings...
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