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    1987 4Runner- Expedition Build Up.

    My truck does that too. I've got a quirky idle as well on my '94 V6. I fired it up, let it get to operating temp, and went out the other day determined to fix it, and I couldn't get it to idle at anything but a rock solid 800 rpm. That's how these idle issues usually work for me.
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    My first Toyota, 1992 4Runner. Introduction plus some newbie questions.

    and Last night I took the 4runner out for it's first offroad excursion. I went to Blue Hole in Arkansas. Ended up being dark, so no pics, but here's a video from when I showed a few dual sporters the area. I'm the doofus on the yellow DRZ that falls over a few seconds in...
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    My first Toyota, 1992 4Runner. Introduction plus some newbie questions.

    Update Been doing some work to the ride. By far the biggest problem were the shocks. All four were gone, gone, gone. Bouncy, rattles like crazy, it was awful. So, up on the jackstands. The nuts on top were freaking stuck, I had to tear apart the dust cover and put vice grips on the shaft...
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    My first Toyota, 1992 4Runner. Introduction plus some newbie questions.

    Hey guys. I was introduced to this forum by LAOutbackTrail. I've known and ridden with him for a little while in the Expedition-Biking arena. He's joined us on a previous trip to Mexico, amongst several others he'd done on his own. However, this is my first foray into a decent 4wd vehicle...
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    1987 4Runner- Expedition Build Up.

    Hey, I know you. Had to make a new account to get it working. But, here I is. Nice rig. Almost makes me wanna get one. Oh, wait... I did.