Search results

  1. Y

    Smallest four-wheeled expedition vehicle?

    I remember when the Lada dealer in Calgary brought in some of the first Niva's in North America. I had to go look at one, and take it for a drive. simple, loud, rough, felt like it had been built by a blacksmith, not a car maker. They were tough...until they weren't, and then...
  2. Y

    Should I get a Subaru

    I bought my first Subaru in 1980, and the last one in 2007, with 5 in between. They are one of the best cars on the market, in my estimation. For the average driver, they're near bomb-proof and will surprise you how far they'll take you off-road or in really lousy weather. They're well thought...
  3. Y

    Arizona to Florida part I

    Fantastic trip! The first part in southern Utah....that is some amazing country. My wife and I spent almost three weeks in September of 2013 bouncing from one park to the next to the next, then reversing direction and going through them again. I think Bryce Canyon was my favorite; my wife's was...
  4. Y

    North America Overland: a trans continental trip in a Jeep Wrangler

    You're off to a great start on what sounds like it'll be an EPIC trip! Southern Utah is an incredible area. My wife and I spent three weeks down there two years ago, going from one park to the next to the next...we never did conclude which one we loved the best...we have to go back to do some...