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  1. V

    WTS/FEELER CVT Mt Rainer RTT w/annex - Central PA

    bump, buyer may have fell through.
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    WTS/FEELER CVT Mt Rainer RTT w/annex - Central PA

    LOL well I am not selling them apart, sorry!
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    WTS/FEELER CVT Mt Rainer RTT w/annex - Central PA

    I purchased this back in the early summer, and was hoping to get more use out of it with the family. Well my wife DOES NOT enjoy camping, so its killed the dream. I cant see keeping it for camping alone. I have used it a handful of times. I made a improvement to the tent by adding another...
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    Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Roof Top Tent

    I have the CVT Mt Rainier. We had a really bad rain storm and I found the large section of the rain fly that covered the ladder collected ALOT of rain and could have caused some damage to the tent. I made some connectors at work and bent a piece of conduit that connects to the existing support bar.
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    WTB: Large RTT in NE

    PM sent Tim
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    WTB: Large RTT in NE

    How is the pricing on something like that?
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    WTB: Large RTT in NE

    Too small. I have a wife who is a bed hog
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    WTB: Large RTT in NE

    Looking for a large RTT, (CVT Mt Rainier, or Tepui Gran Sabana size) Im located in south central PA, but am willing to drive.