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  1. PPCLI_Jim

    a creative solution for hidden long gun storage in your truck

    Well Ido have a couple.. But they are not the reach out to touch something at 500+ m types. All my favored long guns are LONG GUNS! CG63, SVT 40, RUGER Predator, Not very petite!
  2. PPCLI_Jim

    No refrigeration needed

    That looks awesome! I'm really thinking hard about a freeze dryer. But at 5 k I'm looking to see if other people are interested in going in on a purchase
  3. PPCLI_Jim

    a creative solution for hidden long gun storage in your truck

    I've got a Tracker must of my long guns won't fit. My Papoose might.
  4. PPCLI_Jim

    87 Suzuki Samurai

    Confirmed my need to make it a 4wd . Going to find a beater and tear the running gear out of it rebuild then install on mine.
  5. PPCLI_Jim

    87 Suzuki Samurai

    Just got back to Suzuki based build, 92 Tracker in 4x2
  6. PPCLI_Jim

    Thoughts on an 1986 isuzu trooper 2.2 diesel

    Ive got an 88 gasser, I have to do the rear main seal. ive been looking for a manual so i can toss all the issues associated with the auto trans. I've heard that once the rod recall is done- you wont go a million milesper hour but rather a milion miles, but slowly
  7. PPCLI_Jim


    I also picked up this a honda ruckus to tool along the tracks and trails. Having a great day here!
  8. PPCLI_Jim

    22 BS thread

    My friends daughter's rifle was having issues so I did some work on it, we then had to go to the range to see if it was fixed. It was ! But I got my friends wife shooting my Browning Buckmark! She liked it so I let her try my Glock in the 9mm format. Hes got a 1911 , it was a little much so I...
  9. PPCLI_Jim

    Trip with firearm

    No problem I've got a Keltek Sub 2000, in 9mm It's light, simple, uses my Glock mags, SMALL enough to fit in the pocket beside my seat. At the ranges of under 50 m accurate enough and powerful enough without the issue of a ricochet going to far astray. Its considered a standard rifle because it...
  10. PPCLI_Jim

    Trip with firearm

    It's better to have and not need, than need and not have. In Canada I travel with a non restricted firearm whenever I can, I've used it to put down animals that have been struck , injured , and are suffering.
  11. PPCLI_Jim

    Pof revolution

    Man I wanted one badly but our repressive government has outlawed the uppers and lowers here in Canada in the name of public safety. nice looking kit
  12. PPCLI_Jim

    Canadians... What's it really like?

    A change in what the LEOs of NA need to be taught is conflict resolution . If you look at LEO's in other countries thats the part job on meeting an incident. Can it be deescalated, if so why not try that vs what's happening here which is reaching for a gun, taser, or pepper spray?
  13. PPCLI_Jim

    22 BS thread

    Well I've tried the RPR out and wow is all I can say. once I make ballistic adjustments for range it put the rounds where I want the to go. It's a great addition I recommend it heartily! MY primary ammo is the 60 grain aguila sniper subsonics . that way no hearing pro is req. as in Canadaland...
  14. PPCLI_Jim

    Canadians... What's it really like?

    And it gets more interesting ,.Mossberg model 715T 22LR semi auto PROHIBITED because one model has a molded plastic shell that makes a submodel look like an AR so they banned them all.o_O
  15. PPCLI_Jim


    Lol I'd love one of those. I have had a similar one years ago!
  16. PPCLI_Jim


    I did this build so I can ride the KETTLE VALLEY RAILWAY,it has a max 3% grade so it's not much of an issue. I swapped to a lighter bike so I'm gaining advantage there. Weight isnt a concern, it pushes it and me 30 kmh. Without suspension its plenty fast
  17. PPCLI_Jim


    It's for in the saddle bags. I need to wait for the rack to arrive via amazon.
  18. PPCLI_Jim

    Moto Food Suggestions Here's how i did some low energy req to make food. I've done chili spaghetti and a wack of veggies to be able to add to whatever you want. Bonus it's cheaper than MTN HOUSE,WISE,etc freeze dried. Vac sealed like I do...
  19. PPCLI_Jim


    Toolkit for the trail