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  1. primussucks


    Nice rig! Can you tell us a little bit more about the truck? Interior pics of the cab? Where is it currently located? Thank you.
  2. primussucks

    Going down the rabbit hole...Fuso build

    The info i was looking for but couldn't locate... Thank you @mog So if I can summarize. Pre-2007 things interoperate. I could buy a FG with auto and swap in a manual + xfer case? Maybe some ECU programming involved? Post-2008... juice isn't worth the squeeze to put a custom 2 speed xfer case.
  3. primussucks

    Going down the rabbit hole...Fuso build

    Yikes.. thanks Charlie. The differences are significant.. and make me pause on the Duonic. i guess I need to short list down to pre-2005 models to get the low range. Reading some other threads, this might be the better (and more serviceable) option anyway. Start with a lower cost pre-2005 model...
  4. primussucks

    Going down the rabbit hole...Fuso build

    Thanks @Desert Dog , that is my hunch as well. I was thinking 4wd without low range would limit where I could go. I did find a 2003 transfer case with low range. in the US. Is my research correct in that the 2003 transfer case could be swapped into up to 2007 year model truck?
  5. primussucks

    Going down the rabbit hole...Fuso build

    Can we talk low range transfer case for a minute? I'm coming from a Ram 2500 4x4 (when loaded about 10k pounds) and a Land Rover Discovery where low range is used quite often. Bouncing around Canyonlands, muscling up and over Ophir pass in Colorado. etc. I understand the NA 2014s don't have...
  6. primussucks

    Going down the rabbit hole...Fuso build

    Wow! Everything I could have hoped for with the responses... Thank you all. I appreciate the details. A lot to keep thinking about. Keeping my eye on the prize, the habitat :)
  7. primussucks

    Going down the rabbit hole...Fuso build

    Preface: We are USA based and plan on mostly exploring North America. We are not new to adventure or traveling. Well.. it's happened.. I'm down the rabbit hole of building a Fuso (or similar). I'm capable of building things, maintaining things and general mechanics. My wife and I have...
  8. primussucks

    FS: 2x Fox 2.0 Remote Reservoir (Carli Backcountry Tuned) - $500, Dallas TX

    Whoops.. I looked at the wrong line item on my invoice.. 🤦‍♂️ $500 (+ shipping) and they are yours. I'll throw in the ConsoleVault for $50 if you want it.
  9. primussucks

    FS: 2x Fox 2.0 Remote Reservoir (Carli Backcountry Tuned) - $500, Dallas TX

    Side note: for your 2005.. I also have a ConsoleVault for sale. Model: EC-210730-88. This is the model up to 2005. 2006 was slightly different. Turns out in 2006 Dodge moved the ECU under the center console seat, so there is not enough clearance for this in my truck. I bought it used off a...
  10. primussucks

    FS: 2x Fox 2.0 Remote Reservoir (Carli Backcountry Tuned) - $500, Dallas TX

    FS: qty2 Fox 2.0 Remote Reservoir Carli Backcountry tuned shocks. ($1,500 new) Recently removed from the rear of my 2006 Ram 2500. Approx 20,000 miles on the shocks from new. Nothing wrong with the shocks, I just needed something a little bigger. Couple scratches (see pic). Bushings in great...
  11. primussucks

    Sprinter Parts

    Can you tell me more about the Isotherm fridge? Model, size, price?
  12. primussucks


    Which compressor fridge are you running? did you have to modify the cabinet to get it to fit?
  13. primussucks

    WTB 3RD Gen ram parts

    I might have some stuff for you. Standby (Springs and possibly radius arms).
  14. primussucks

    WTB Traybed / Flatbed for Short bed full size Ram

    I'll shoot you a txt.. I have a 6.5' aluminum CM bed that came off my Ram. I used it as a platform for my 8' Alaskan until I got around to building my own. This one needs a new home other than my driveway. Located in Dallas, TX
  15. primussucks

    SOLD: Victron Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-Volt 30 amp 360-Watt DC-DC Charger, Isolated (Bluetooth)

    Is it a price thing? Make me a (reasonable) offer.
  16. primussucks

    Expo West 2022- Sale Thread

    I’ll be at rolling into Flag on Saturday. Planning on being at the expo on Sunday. Purchased new (from Victrons Amazon store) in Oct 2021. I ran this unit until recently. "Practically" new Nothing wrong with it, I just changed directions. Original box and manual. $225. Here is a link...