Dont forget the TE The ones like Coleman that last as long as one road trip and work like crap. Another "you get what you pay for" thing. I have to credit Will for the next quote
"To select a means of refrigeration one must first understand the different types. There are three...
Well the trip is getting postponed due to a set back in the new leaf packs. The bushings didnt come in and well lets just say the truck is not going anywhere until they come I will post a review on the new packs as soon as I get them all tested and flexed out. I can say that the onboard...
Well its off to Utah maybe next No really im sorry to inform that I wont be able to get down there tonight :( I have been in the process of swapping leaf packs on the truck and my bushings never made it in. I will plan a trip down at a later date and just have to go see both shops...
Well its off to Utah on Wed to take a look at all of it in person. Thanks to Kurt and Paul I will get to see many models and vendors in person :wings: so I will keep everyone posted and try my best not to be bias at all. I will try to get lots of pics too. :victory:
Wow thanks guys! First let me say THANK YOU SCOTT! I love this site! The feed back and help from eveyone is so great! I was under the idea that the three bows for the fly telescoped out too. That is why I couldnt understand how it adjusted. Are the inner and outer bows rivited through the...
BUY THE WAY.... I HAVE CHECKED ALL OVER AND TO ANYONE ELSE LOOKING AT BUYING A FRIDGE....CHECK OUT WILL'S WEB SITE. GREAT PRICES! No will did not pay me to say that nor did he even offer me any insentives for doing that. I have been looking and looking for a while and got really sick of trying...
Thanks Will. That answered alot of questions that I have had. So tell me what one would you sell me as a first time fridge buyer? I like the arb but also like the engel 45. I would need a travel cover and slide mount for it along with a tie down sysetm for the slide mount. I want one that...
Can someone please post some pics of how the rain fly adjusts on them? Also is technitop and ARB the only ones making a floor out of somthing other than plywood? Will or Kurt can you guys maybe post some pics of the diff brands and pros and cons? We Need Pics....we are guys after
I have used the cabelas brand deluxe tent cot for about three years now. I love it! Cant go wrong with it. I have seen the camprite ones and I think my cabelas one takes the cake by a ways. I just stayed in it two nights ago and we had a storm roll in. My buddys tent had three broken tent...
3-way fridge?
I just got done looking over some threads from down under. Now im leaning towards the Primus 55L 3-way. Not sure about how cold it will keep everything and dont know how to feel about the power consumption on 12vdc. 7.5 amps could take out a battery pretty quick. Also looked...
Kurt, again great reply. Sandy and Twin Falls are pretty close in temps and conditions. I will add that I will hard mount it in my truck but take it out at times to plug in out back for BBQ's and such. My truck is my daily driver so the fridge will be off most of the time but still be in the...
Thanks Kurt, great write up! Sandy has pretty close weather to Twin Falls. The summer is 110 in the desert and the winter its -20 and snow load of 6". The wind blows alot in the desert and the gusts get up to 60mph. Average storm wind blows constant 20mph. I want an RTT that will sleep 2.5...
I have heard alot about the diff brands of freezers but I could not find a thread that everyone has posted all the info and experiences with their freezer/fridge. Is there a such thing as a model that has a propane or battery back up system so they dont have to be plugged in all the time? I am...
I am in the middle of the big debate of what one to go with. I have seen alot of pics of most of them but before I buy one I thought I would get input from all the pros and owners about what they like and dislike about the diff. brands. So far I am thinking about Technitop or Simpson III...
Sold it!
Hi everyone, I sold the Jeep and am now the proud owner of a 2001 Tacoma DC Limited. Now the work begins. The job of building the perfect overland vehicle. Thanks for all the help. Northwest1
Hi everyone, I am finally selling my Wrangler. This is a 2002 with 45k miles on it. It is black with grey interior. As you may guess with only 45k on it there is no major scratches and no dents in it. Excelent shape. I have taken great care of it and hate to sell it. I have to finish my...
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