Search results

  1. S

    Satellite Internet Apps - what new apps do you want or need?

    So basically a text message app. One that sends GPS co-ordinates out at predetermined intervals and receives relevant updates as required. This could then also work with the DeLorme InReach too.
  2. S

    Satellite Internet Apps - what new apps do you want or need?

    Latency is of course an issue, but by designing the app correctly any effects can be mitigated. The rate of updates is of course going to be limited by the latency, but normally this isn't an issue. Even a high volume Facebook feed isn't updated several times per second. Anything less than that...
  3. S

    Satellite Internet Apps - what new apps do you want or need?

    What kind of openness are you looking for in your weather apps? What kind of email app are you in need of?
  4. S

    Satellite Internet Apps - what new apps do you want or need?

    Hello everybody! I'm a software developer and I'm looking for ideas and suggestions for making new Satellite Internet Apps. Please tell me what apps or software you'd like to see or need. As a developer, I was struck by how little software and apps there are for satellite connections. SMS...