Can't offer any experiences, nor reviews sorry. I would check all the fine print about possible road exclusions, single vehicle accident insurance wording etc etc. One of the above sites T's & C's 'Exclusions' for recovery states 'Nominated Vehicles not on public or formed roads, or...
HA! Good times! A well used truck. As it should be. It's got to be (very) satisfying to drive/use a vehicle that you took from dream/plan/design, to build, to now eight years on the road! Very cool.
Solar looks great. More better for more use!
Hey Yves,
Great to see your rig get some R&M. Must mean it's getting used! So eight years on the road? How many k's have you done now, and do you have a rough count of nights spent in residence? I guess after that many years using it your systems are pretty well sorted! Any other changes coming up?
Looks great Coyote! I may have to steal a couple of ideas.
I've been (silently) watching along. Couple of quick questions. The lifters you are using (if I'm interpreting properly) give spring assisted lift right? How do you get on 'pulling' the roof back down again? A matter of getting the...
Another option, but unlikely to work on a tight time frame is the relocate deals. Couple of the websites that are out there....
Lots of options out there. I don't know anything about the comparison website in the first link. Jucy is pretty big down here. Maui/Britz as well. I don't know how the dollars work out for renting one in each Island vs having just one camper and
bringing it across the Straight with you. I guess...
Gene, Neda, congratulations! Well done. It's a tough job but you two have shown stickability when it counted! Roll on next year. Bring on the scheming and plotting!
Just talked to NZMCA (they who make the self containment rules) and no, Wagbag type toilets are't acceptable. Would need to be a porti potti sort of a deal. The local vehicle cert guy says if you are on a visitors visa/Carnet deal modifications 'should' be ok. Four inch lift is stretching it...
Definitely doable. We've had two (different) Swiss families through here. Both in their own LHD's, both heading to the land of Oz. The above PDF pretty much spells it out for here (NZ). Quarantine is strict. Make sure it is spotless before loading. Will save time/money. Whatever time you think...
Hey Andy,
Glad to hear the trip went well. You got to see some pretty nice places! How many k's in total? As I said we ended up in Wanaka, and did a day trip to Milford Sound. Kind of a long day... I must admit though, the country down Fiordland (I personaly think) is pretty special. And the...
My two daughters and I flew down to Christchurch and rented a Maui camper for two weeks and did about 2500 k. Down the West Coast, Te Anau, Milford Sound, Queenstown, Mt Cook sort of a deal. I payed for what they are calling 'liability reduction'. I'm guessing this is what you mean by 'extra...
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