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  1. Dave in Wisconsin

    ARB fridge wiring

    Just got a new ARB 50 qt. I know the standard 12-volt plug in my ford Transit is not adequate for long-term use. However, do you think I could use it just for 2 days to drive out to Colorado where I will complete my electrical install? So too then, when I install my special ARB 12-volt plug...
  2. Dave in Wisconsin

    ARB 12-volt fridge modification

    I just got my ARB 50 qt. fridge. I wanted BOTH freeze AND fridge in one unit but didn’t want to get the big unit with two separate compartments. I saw that the 39 qt and the 50 qt models were the EXACT same size footprint (length and width). Only difference: the 50 quart is three inches...
  3. Dave in Wisconsin

    Outbound Windows..... who has used them?

    Anton.... Where are you sourcing Seitz windows with glass?? Vanglas site is inn Dutch. How to you manage this?