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  1. J

    Trip to Vosges by bike

    We crossed Baraque Michel Most difficult part for me was near the Hydroelectric power station . Sometimes up to 7% climbing there... This is the point of vue from the "Signal De Botrange" not to far anymore to our camping ;) . Finally we did 91 km and climbed about 1200m. Toe next day was...
  2. J

    Trip to Vosges by bike

    In the little village Tibo and I held our our first break, but on someone should someday tell me the meaning of thje cutting of all the branches of this tree accept the top:p But still hungry 10km further at Teuven we had a very nice lunch at/ "Het Rode Bos" As they sais: the highest tearoom in...
  3. J

    Trip to Vosges by bike

    Day 2 has begun with a very nice ride next to the Maas Trough the heart of the very nice city of Maastricht. For a few km we followed the track of the Amstel Gold Race.
  4. J

    Trip to Vosges by bike

    I endend day 1 dead tired. We did 103km in about 6 hours and climbed a total of 568m. What a great day it was!
  5. J

    Trip to Vosges by bike

    This was the only entrance to the most isolated icecream saloon i ever saw .... :) The owner main bussiness was actually being a blacksmith. nevertheless the ice was really good, only one choice of flavour though .... :p Meanwhile at the camping everybody else arrived with the car.
  6. J

    Trip to Vosges by bike

    But we went on, lost nearly 2 hours in the hospital..... First real break was at Werchter, famous from the best Rock concert in the world. A real nice pub near the church were we were allowed to eat our sandwiches on their terrace After 50km still looking good. :cool::cool: This was the...
  7. J

    Trip to Vosges by bike

    And today we left for a great day.... For the first 8km that was... and then came a stupid fall, distracted by the GPS i lost concentration for a sec. and hit a small pole next the road. aMy pride was badly hurt, aswell some cuts and bruses and my indexfinger really needed some stitches....
  8. J

    Trip to Vosges by bike

    When I read about people who traveled Europe by foot or bike , I always felt a bit jealous. I never had the time for it. Kids, work, ... Now i became 50 years old I realized i needed to hurry....;), before time runs out. I just wish i'v put in some more training. But it 's too late now...