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  1. L

    Well maybe I don't really need an FG- perhaps a 1920 "Oilfield Dodge" 2wd

    I'm always amazed by videos like this; the vehicles of the day had, what, 20 horsepower? 2wd? Skinny tires? And yet they seemed to be part mountain goat! Looka at the mud! What were they building back then that we cannot seem to duplicate today without uber-expensive "systems" and...
  2. L

    Adventure Harley?

    I believe you're thinking of CaveBiker ...
  3. L

    83 Toyota Cummins 4BT

    OK, that is just too kewl, thanks for sharing!! :luxhello:
  4. L

    Land Rover survey participation request

    LOL My bad ... I don't follow Jaguar or Tata closely, so no, I wasn't aware. I'll go sit over here in the corner now...:coffee:
  5. L

    Land Rover survey participation request

    This line from your attachment caught my interest... "Just to give you a little more information about the project, we are working on behalf of Jaguar Land Rover who are keen to build up a global picture of the attitudes and needs of Land Rover owners, ..." Tata of India is the current owner...
  6. L

    NatGeo's "Found" archives - pretty awesome

    Wow, just ... wow. Thanks for the link. There are some amazing pictures in that collection; they offer an insight to time and places of old. Amazing, and these are the shots that didn't make the cut! Thanks again, this link is most certainly a "keeper".