Original condition Tiger. Right now the bid is very low someone might get a pretty good bargain. Seems un-abused to me. Have not seen in person.
The features list is impressive and alternative layout will help sell units but I was hoping the new tiger would be a Rossmonster style pop-up and stay with the fiberglass one-piece top.
My lady wanted me to search for a new to us dishwasher since ours is breaking and look what comes up!!! Frankenstein!
I made a Facebook account mainly for marketplace you can watch ads and see if they disappear or even ask the user. And now the price is $115k so you can imagine how sale is going. I don't know how insulated the box is but this a cool unique build at least. Sure it can go anywhere but the...
I have a 2004 sr5 3.4 v6 5spd manual tundra 355k+. I live above 9000' in Colorado along divide. My daily drive is up from bottom of our road at 8000' to 9500' in 3 miles up and down that once a day. Regularly drive over Eisenhower, Mount Vernon and Floyd Hill grades entire life. Owned...
I have found that at national parks as long as your close to requirements they're not sticklers - no one has busted out tape measure yet. I am 24' ish without a bike rack but over 25' with it. A few parks have rules around 25' and they always say no worries. I always make sure to be very...
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