Search results

  1. Jeddly-Bo-Deddly

    SOLD - 2015 Kimberley Kamper - Bend OR - PRICE REDUCED $35,000

    Question regarding the canvas -- how water-resistant is it? We also live in the PNW. I was just watching a walk-around of the new Kampers (), and at minute 18 or so, he talks about conditioning the canvas, but I'm guessing that this is a different canvas from what is on yours?
  2. Jeddly-Bo-Deddly

    For Sale: 2018 Conqueror UEV-440 - $42,000

    Wait a second ... let me get this straight: You want $45,000 for an incomplete set of bourbon glasses?!? GTFOH
  3. Jeddly-Bo-Deddly

    Sold - XVENTURE XV-2 with RTT, 2015 excellent condition

    Glad to see my home, great state of NH represented! Great rig. If I had the $$ would buy immediately. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Jeddly-Bo-Deddly

    Turnkey Expedition Trailer - M116A1

    nice job! might be interested ...